Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [v-ing] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now you 'll recall I said that we will we will try and isolate try and isolate throughout the afternoon those things which are going to be useful to you .
2 Erm we are still not going to enough we we need something like just over half a million to do all the schemes er which er and we could do next year and this Committee is going to have to decide there , which er town centres are actually going to be done and which are going to be erm left out .
3 There are some being found , but not stable ones erm we know all the elements which are going to be stable on the planet earth as we know it .
4 Right up to the nineteenth century the winegrowers of Anjou and Touraine would refer to their best wines as " vins pour la mer " , the wines which were going to be taken down to the sea via Nantes .
5 Their erm conditions were very basic , and I took two fluffy hot water bottles which were going to be used as incubators for the premature babies , that 's all they had , and I took out lots of needles and the surgical gloves and a special instrument for operations .
6 Try to highlight those factors or the determinants of demand which were gon na be important in buying the tourism products in nineteen ninety two .
7 Colin Powell , the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , put the matter most clearly ( which is getting to be a habit ) when he testified to Congress on February 19th .
8 Our interest in exploring BSL learning is justified by this trend , which is beginning to be apparent in the UK also .
9 Another strategy — and one which is proving to be very popular in schools with a history of open decision-making — is for the governing body to establish a structure of sub-committees which bring together LEA governors , parent-governors , teacher-governors , co-opted governors , the headteacher and teachers in the making of decisions .
10 I do n't see that that pu that the the staff comment , which is gon na be the first thing need have anything to do with the child at all there is ample place
11 Which is gon na be a debatable one I would of thought .
12 or rather is a play , the role play results in a child getting used to experiences a , experiencing a situation which is gon na be helpful to that child .
13 Just for those of you who have just arrived , we 're actually recording this session as part of a a large spoken database which is gon na be part of a national archive and so you 're being recorded for posterity .
14 It 's been adopted by a large number of Authorities , of which is gon na be one of them I hope .
15 If not we draw it all out in cash which is gon na be a drag carrying a lot of money round Colchester
16 which is gon na be wonderful
17 er of , of collective labour to build roads etcetera , which is gon na be a feature going all the way through , is , is there really quite this
18 He saw little sign ‘ of the commitment to deepening European unity which is going to be the main thrust of European , if not domestic politics , in the next five or 10 years . ’
19 It is recommended for jacquard that you do n't use more than five colours in a row , but I am told by Silver Reed that you use this program for programming intarsia , which is going to be knitted with the new electronic intarsia carriage .
20 Obviously I would be very loathe to agree to have to now provide different information again other than that which is going to be readily er available through the computers .
21 One which is going to be published and placed in the hands of people at large for their help in understanding the faith .
22 Illustrator can also produce colour traps which are extra rings of colour around an area of colour which is going to be printed over another .
23 So , if we accept that the Macintosh and the PC were designed differently , work differently and treat the user differently which is going to be the best — at least so far as desktop publishing is concerned ?
24 Now the idea behind that is that it builds up and keeps in trim the muscles of the feet and ankles and legs , which is going to be what gets you about because you realize your retirement is going to be as good as your legs .
25 Information can then be fed back from the cognitive system to the logogen system to influence the response of this system to the word which is going to be misread .
26 Better to eat off an orange box and get pleasure from a plant than to spend the money on a cheap and nasty table which is going to be an unsatisfactory stopgap Save money and effort right at the start by sorting out priorities — which should include enjoying the room you live in — and try not to stray too far from your original objectives .
27 It 's not a erm you know , it 's , it 's , it 's not a a sort of print which is going to be exhibited on exhibition walls er er to that extent , but it 's a very pleasant erm shot .
28 Well it 's going to be revamped as er as you probably know that part of the City is being slowly revamped er and this is one which is going to be done in about the middle of next year .
29 Er the County Council can not look at an individual building and say , this is a particular piece of land which is going to be developed and this is going to have this particular impact on the environment .
30 The teacher , introducing a drama which is going to be based on the Pied Piper story , might ask the class how they want the Pied Piper to be played .
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