Example sentences of "[Wh det] [conj] [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Department 's courses accordingly aim to give an understanding of what German writers and thinkers have had to say in the past of the age and the society within which and for which they wrote and make students familiar with contemporary life and literature , art and film in the German-speaking countries .
2 But if The Order of Things is thus concerned to analyse ‘ ensembles of discourses ’ that do not form a totality , it does not focus on the ways in which such forms of knowledges relate to the institutions in which and through which they are produced .
3 Although these studies , derived from psychology and psychoanalysis , show little concern with the specific nature of the culture within which socialization occurs , the detailing of the process itself strongly reinforces the argument that the human subject can not be considered outside of the material world within which and through which it is constructed .
4 Society changes , fashions in advertising change , it is a constantly altering environment from which and in which you will write .
5 Whether a system with finitely many basic signals is a system of communication in the strong sense — that is , a linguistic system — depends on whether the characteristic behaviour within which and against which it is interpreted is complex enough to sustain attributions of higher-order beliefs and intentions to the creatures concerned .
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