Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [vb -s] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because you can use a particular sort of algebra , based on the so-called binary system , which greatly shortens and simplifies problems , which might at first sight seem terribly long and complicated .
2 Both types work on the principle of swelling up at high temperatures to produce a ‘ charred ’ foam coating which so insulates and protects the member from heat that the temperature of the metal remains well below that of the fire .
3 A Yes , shampoo hair with Redken 's Amino Pon Protein shampoo which gently cleanses and reinforces the structure of permed and colour-treated hair .
4 We should be concentrating on particular aspects of school life , not producing information which already exists and duplicating it .
5 The kraken is generally believed to be a type of giant cephalopod which normally lives and feeds at the bottom of the ocean .
6 The primary engine of historical change is the transformation of the economic sphere , which progressively establishes and extends humanity 's conquest of nature and moves towards the elimination of material scarcities .
7 A meals-on-wheels service was started in Keyingham in 1963 , which still operates and serves up to 20 people twice a week .
8 He manipulates our feelings and views towards characters throughout the book , successfully , which also shows and convinces us that he is a very competent writer and very real .
9 Enhancements include IBM LU 6.2 connectivity , which allows Top End applications to interoperate with CICS or IMS-based MVS applications , support for Microsoft Corp Windows Dynamic Link Library and OS/2 , remote login clients , improved routing/load balancing and throughput optimisation which automatically adds or subtracts copies of an application to meet demand .
10 PowerTools will include VXM 's Balans dynamic network load balancing software , which automatically finds and allocates spare CPU cycles on a network , from the second quarter of 1993 .
11 He also ranged higher and spoke inspirationally of the ‘ absolutely imperative task , to bring the whole world together in a cause which both touches and imperils our common humanity ’ .
12 Revolution , and its betrayal by a regime which both prescribes and proscribes literature , are described in both works .
13 The most extravagant possibilities of an egoism which both enhances and distorts awareness spring from the appetite for power .
14 What are the particular building blocks for a stable and happy marriage , which both overcomes and makes use of conflict constructively and positively for growth and fulfilment ?
15 No. 2 ( in reality ‘ No. 4 ’ ) is another work which both surprises and delights .
16 And if , as so oft en , ecstasy obliterates the specificity of the landscape which simultaneously enables and absorbs it , this is not only because ecstasy is of its nature blind ; it is also because what we repudiate remains with us as partial blindness to what we embrace in its stead .
17 Writers like Maudsley and Spitzka represent a form of scientific morality which simultaneously reinforces and promises to alleviate parental sexual anxieties , while underlining parental authority within the middle-class family against the demands of adolescent youth for sexual and personal autonomy .
18 What then is it which would make label switching alone something which adversely affects or usurps the right of the owner ?
19 They drag what they find into the tunnel , eat some of it and deposit the rest , which then rots and helps to feed the plants .
20 The antlers grow through the summer , covered in a fur called velvet , which then dries and falls off , or is rubbed off by the irritable beasts .
21 This figure shows the drivechart for the program JANEPLUS , which aims to introduce pupils to the idea of mathematical functions by displaying named figures , each of which either adds or multiplies by a particular small whole number which number the pupils must discover by trial , hypothesis and check .
22 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
23 They are a little smaller , club-shaped and covered with a shiny brown fluid which neither hardens nor evaporates , but remains liquid for the three or four weeks it takes the eggs higher up the twig to hatch .
24 A closed conference is for purely private discussion which neither wants nor needs publicity .
25 ‘ There is no doubt in my mind , ’ she says , ‘ that we have all lived many lives before and that we have an individual life-force which never dies but chooses to come into incarnation at various times .
26 Do we mean a symbol which only ‘ represents ’ a reality — like a road sign — or do we mean a sign which actually embodies or conveys , in some shape or form , the reality to which it points ?
27 ‘ We live in a culture which actually supports and creates these addictions .
28 Faith is thus not — as in Schleiermacher — a general and universally accessible awareness of absolute dependence , but the response in the ‘ moment ’ to the Word of God himself , a Word which continually creates and renews the possibility of faith .
29 What often sounds and feels stilted to us , because we are learning it , will sound quite normal to everyone else .
30 Travelling can thus indicate the headlong tempo of the narrative or , in its twists and turns , a principle of sequence by digression — not from a ‘ main action ’ , but simply digression from what immediately precedes or succeeds a particular section .
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