Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] 're [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You just get a feeling that one actor is going to give you that certain something which you 're looking for .
2 You can use a submersible pump , which you 're using for a fountain or cascade to empty most of the water , but only do this to the level of the pump intake — then it 's a matter of bailing out with a bucket .
3 Is a , is a , a thing which you 're commenting on as well .
4 It ties in with exactly the sort of development which you 're doing in rural settings for learning disability and it attracts grant because of its er , its ability to show an element that is training people towards future employment .
5 which you 're gon na have to do anyway
6 But I suspect a lot of you would want to leave them with a matt finish , it 's entirely up to you Anyway when you paint , like I say , it 's just it 's because it 's porous it sucks the colour off the brush and er it immediately dries , so you can see , straight away , the colour it 's gon na be when you then put the varnish on you use a sort of matt varnish and so it brings the colour up but it wo n't be shiny or a shine , which you 're gon na choose like you might wan na matt varnish with this and shiny for the shell which ca it really brings the colour up , we wo n't get round to varnishing today erm and the other thing you can do , if you want erm a sort of a mottled effect you do pink in a base colour say Mikila wanted all greeny , bluey colours on that
7 Just the questions which you 're gon na give to somebody else to mark .
8 You know you want to know and I would 've thought that the higher the management the more they want to know the implications , the financial of it of any plan which you 're going into .
9 This is the second in our new series of twelve programmes on opportunities in education , in which we 're looking at some of the ideas in action in schools today .
10 There 's only actually one of those which we 're thinking about the proof as a proof .
11 The prospects for management buy-outs are really very bleak , the reason for that is that the franchises which we 're hearing about are likely to be very short , the franchisee will own no assets , no land , no rolling stock , nothing with which to go to the bank as security for loan .
12 We may have many hundreds of clients accessing that database all passing over large pieces of code , and obviously this Four G L code is not a message-based protocol , it is in fact a language which we 're using in the wrong manner .
13 Erm I , I er much of the compliment that you paid t to me and the department in terms of the efficiency that we 've , which we 're dealing with the correspondence , I , I am conscious of the fact that in something of this nature those er members that you mentioned , some of them are , are here this morning erm are , are not er s receiving er a regular erm series of er erm letters or , or pieces of information from the department and it 's very much an ad hoc situation erm and at the moment as far as is concerned , we are waiting for the the completion of some of the reporting before we erm er submerge them with er a , a , a , a lot of paper , but if there are any particular issues that erm any of those members or indeed any other members erm particularly wants to pursue , er th th the position is as it is on , on any matter , please do get in touch .
14 Continuing on a club theme , do n't forget about our Newsletter of the Year competition which we 're running in conjunction with New Balance .
15 committee and that on behalf of West Sussex as a whole , we should grasp that responsibility , make it clear and I 'm not talking about the emergency arrangements which we 're coping with quite adequately it seems to me erm but I 'm talking about the coordination and overview of all the er contributing factors erm so that we can demonstrate that there is ultimately one body who can take er a view of these matters er ensure that there are not grey areas in future and to er initiate er action wherever it may be dealt with necessary .
16 Dieting may not be high on your enjoyment list , but we 've made pleasure a priority in Slim Plan — GH 's unique three-part diet programme which we 're launching in this issue ( page 82 ) .
17 The exceptions for which we 're working on block contracts are :
18 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
19 Coke in the terms in which we 're talking about it is Er it 's not that soft drink either .
20 Er the Coach House one the one which we 're talking about ?
21 But it 's also erm about discovering the completeness of the ministry of the people of God as we enter through the various commitments that we have to our sister churches in Wales and in Britain and in the world , whether it 's routine or a particular relationship of members or All that 's part of the context of the ways in which we 're talking about and sharing with each other with God .
22 And Stanley Clog identifies four different types of tourist and these are the main ones which we 're gon na use .
23 Okay Sally-Ann , have you had a chance to look at some of the things which we 're gon na do today as well ?
24 Seventy five percent is taken in through the eyes of which we 're gon na recall about fifty percent , so fifty percent of that seventy five percent yeah ?
25 I 've called it R P to distinguish it from Spearman 's which we 're gon na do next week , but you can convert the value of R to a T score and if you 've got a T score you can look it up in T tables to work out whether it 's significant .
26 it was four pallets which had fell over near the door which we 're gon na get tidied up , we 'll get those tidied up in time .
27 There 's a lot of there in bulk which we 're gon na get out on Friday .
28 which we 're gon na get and get your salary .
29 which we 're gon na put along the top of the house .
30 Well certainly not in the period during which we 're going to be discussing the various submissions , er un un at the E I P , now Mr Heselton , erm in a way your comments yesterday would probably be taken that Selby could cope , or would be prepared to cope , even with additional development , now you better sa tell me whether that 's true or false , and I 'm thinking particularly of that element of Greater Sel , of Selby which is in Greater York .
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