Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] 've always [verb] " in BNC.

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1 W.C. Fields used one phrase which I 've always loved — especially after all the years I 've been married — he said , ‘ Elephants are just like women — nice to look at , but who wants to own one ? ’
2 By comparison , on Gibson 's Flying V guitar , the bridge pickup has to sit rather high because of the effect the tune-o-matic bridge has in raising the height of the strings above the body , which I 've always thought looked and felt a little clumsy .
3 We did n't fish in the accepted sense , which I 've always thought was a ghoulish thing to do anyway .
4 There will be a single budget which we 've always argued for in the management committee the head of centre will and this is very important and I hope members are clear the head of centre which is the head of the Moat Centre which is the proposed under the amendment will be appointed within this financial year , will be appointed out of the existing budget .
5 ‘ It 's what I 've always said — he should n't live on his own , not at his age . ’
6 What I 've always said about life itself .
7 That 's what I 've always loved doing .
8 It 's what I 've always wanted .
9 I mean i i i if you were gon na sit there saying I 'm okay , I 'm , I can reach a reasonably comfortable business level , this is great , this is what I 've always wanted to do
10 That 's what I 've always wanted !
11 ‘ You know what I 've always wondered ? ’
12 At the Greenwich Meridian : Every single spot on earth is the centre , that 's what I 've always tried to say in my music .
13 That 's what I 've always tried to convey in my writing . ’
14 It 's what I 've always promised myself and thought I 'd never manage . ’
15 That 's what I 've always found anyway .
16 But you know it 's what I 've always thought .
17 That 's what I 've always thought in the past .
18 it is what I 've always thought for a long time that somebody like Brian if he 's not if he 's not showing at our fish at our show , even as an A class judge , I , I fail to see why he ca n't judge at our show it 's , he goes to Skelm and , and judges there and our fish will be there or strange really when we 're struggling for judges that , that we do n't do these things .
19 I 'm interested , thank you , I 'm interested to notice that this nineteenth century attitude is being repeated now by er , our friends over there in the Labour party , erm and I must say , that really confirm what I 've always thought that a lot of their attitudes and their mental furniture do in fact belong to that century .
20 What you 've always said , about motivation .
21 But why not pluck up the courage to do what you 've always wanted ?
22 You will be what you 've always wanted to be .
23 Just what you 've always wanted , oh
24 But perhaps it 's , I mean you know what you 've always argued , the reason why it 's happening is because of increasing commercialization .
25 Oh yes , oh , the rangers say the same thing , do what you 've always done .
26 That 's what you 've always told me , have n't you ? "
27 Just what we 've always wanted , an academic international lawyer running Security .
28 And , well we 're doing what we 've always done in relation to erm tenants and erm rent arrears , we basically pursue a sympathetic policy erm for tenants who are facing real financial hardship in paying their rents .
29 Volume-wise , Fender reiterate what we 've always said when they talk of ‘ louder tube watts ’ .
30 It 's just common sense and proves what we 've always said that there is n't a need for this reservoir .
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