Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Golding wrote ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ , which I am comparing to ‘ Coral Island ’ , just after the Second World War and after the Hiroshima Bomb , this gives Golding 's book a more up to date feel and makes it an easier to believe microcosm .
2 I have just put together a mail shot which I am sending to all Premier League chairmen .
3 I have , as a result of the new storyboard , got a detailed list of proposals and suggestions from the new programmer which I am faxing to you ( eight pages to follow ) , and which will form the basis of formal discussions between the programmer and myself and possibly David , and from which we have to derive a proper technical specification .
4 Ta very mooch again for the book & tape ( which I 'm listening to just now & it 's fab . )
5 He added : ‘ The printed text which I 'm delivering to the assembly today does not include the most recent examples of US action in my country . ’
6 Well , you alomost all seem to want us to publish in the programme and in TSB , so as agreed with , I 've drafted an article for The Square Ball which I 'm sending to the list for your comments .
7 Well , not too bad really , it 's erm I can only describe it has having erm a huge hangover , which erm which I 'm used to anyway , so erm you know I 'm obviously a bit disappointed with the way things went , but erm you know that 's party of Rugby .
8 There is still no indication , as of last Friday , er meeting that the government has anything to say and there 's a further meeting er in London tomorrow which I 'm going to .
9 well so that 's how it 's pleaded and that 's how we built it into the , these cases which I was referring to where an agreement is the object or the , the means or the consequence of an agreement , they enforce within five , the action is unlawful and of course there 's the final and fourth way in which it could be devoured this , because it , and again quoting the words from the cases , tends to have restricted affect on the market , I think your Lordship you can see how we pleaded it in paragraph two , two , three , it 's enforcing the consequence of the unlawful underline previous .
10 No excitement in my life has ever quite equalled the tense fifteen minutes during which I was connected to that fish .
11 This was a foreign land , peopled not only by my superiors , for that applied to everyone I 'd ever known , from the hole in Mother woman through which I was expelled to the hole in the Mother earth by which I 'd be swallowed ; but by those who were superior to my early superiors ; probably the most superior peoples in the entire world .
12 The version with which I was introduced to my housemaster role in the prison service by an experienced principal officer was ‘ One thing more difficult than a busy Borstal boy is an idle Borstal boy . ’
13 To whatever degree you have placed the responsibility for your feelings of love and wholeness on someone else , is the degree to which you are bound to disappointment .
14 Lodgings/digs These are generally unpopular with most students because of cost , set meal times and general restrictions — such as the number of baths allowed — and the times by which you are expected to be home and in bed !
15 Another recipe relied on lily of the valley , lard and a cup of old wine , which you were advised to ‘ pound together in the manner which thou mightest work a plaister , and lay to the hand ’ .
16 The Other Woman has a category to herself in Silhouette 's construction of the necessary elements of the romance novel , an indication of the extent to which she is considered to be an essential ingredient : ‘ The Other Woman Usually means over sophisticated , well groomed .
17 She thought that he was about to choke , or to strike her down , and that would be the end , the very end ; but did she not deserve it , and more , for the way in which she was speaking to him ?
18 Although Joan mostly worked as a Spool Setter , she became an Axminster Winding Instructor for a period during which she was sent to a subsidiary company in Holland ( Bergos Stoddard ) for a number of weeks .
19 What that basically means again is that for this particular blank here that we 're look at okay , the state value U might be one the weight might be one okay and we get that out of that cos we 're just going through all these here and seeing which one 's going to be one .
20 The market is the mechanism through which we 're forced to be competitive .
21 Well certainly not in the period during which we 're going to be discussing the various submissions , er un un at the E I P , now Mr Heselton , erm in a way your comments yesterday would probably be taken that Selby could cope , or would be prepared to cope , even with additional development , now you better sa tell me whether that 's true or false , and I 'm thinking particularly of that element of Greater Sel , of Selby which is in Greater York .
22 Er and as would have been noted in the in our report to this general assembly on page four hundred and nine , we say at the end of er the paragraph in the middle of the the page in which we are referring to ACTS and its commissions , in this connection it should be noted that the church 's approach to the Roman Catholic bishops conference of Scotland on the question of intercommunion is under discussion in that conference and in the ACTS commission on unity faith and order .
23 The four quarterly effects ( which we are assuming to be invariant during the time span of the data ) can now be estimated from the averages of corresponding quarters over these seven years .
24 Even the 1812 's ‘ digitally recorded canons [ sic ] [ ! ] ’ , due to which we are cautioned to ‘ use extreme care in selecting playback volume ’ , fail to get the adrenalin flowing .
25 Please also remember that Ash Wednesday , which is this Wednesday , is one of the only two days a year on which we are asked to fast and to abstain from eating meat .
26 All that is on top of the emergency accommodation to which I have just referred and about which we are talking to Single Homeless in London .
27 There the register-keeper was well and truly confused , since he not only referred to children of ‘ Charles William Titford , Linen Draper , Bishopsgate Street ’ — a nomenclature which we are used to by now — but also made an error when it came to wife Anne 's name — she appears as ‘ Mary ’ .
28 They do not fit the conventional academic system in which there is seen to be little alternative provision for their needs , so they opt out altogether from involvement in school and wait resentfully for their official release at 16 .
29 This can be thought of as an investment — an expenditure today for which there is hoped to be a return in future years in the form of a lowering in the costs of production ( for a process invention ) .
30 Although there are two offences , murder and manslaughter , the latter includes two distinct varieties : ‘ voluntary ’ manslaughter ( killings which would be murder but for the existence of defined extenuating circumstances ) ; and ‘ involuntary ’ manslaughter ( killings for which there is no need to prove any awareness of the risk of death being caused , but for which there is thought to be sufficient fault to justify criminal liability ) .
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