Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that although business sponsorship of the arts is extremely important and welcome , it would be just as beneficial for the arts , particularly local theatres such as the Civic theatre in Chelmsford , if we had a national lottery to which everyone could contribute to help to raise funds for the arts ?
2 Obviously there is some problem which I shall attempt to diagnose .
3 There are , in fact several others but , for various reasons which I shall attempt to explain , I do not feel that they are always quite as effective — or indeed as safe — as the use of the hypnotic state .
4 My own belief , for which I shall attempt to argue , is that , whatever may become of the GCSE ( and its future seems very speculative ) , A levels should gradually be made redundant .
5 Clive Barker ( 1977 ) of Warwick University has given new substance to the use of games in the training of actors and Brian Watkins ( 1981 ) has evolved a theoretical framework conceptually linking drama and game in a way which I shall attempt to build on in the next chapter .
6 The question of my health is a difficult one , which I shall have to answer at length in a letter , if you can find the patience to read it .
7 I believe that it will be updated as the new computer takes on additional information , but when and at exactly what point is a matter on which I shall have to get back to the hon. Gentleman because I do not know ACPO 's plans .
8 My hon. Friend offers me an enticing invitation which I shall consider taking up .
9 I do so to ensure that the credit for these accounts , which I would suggest give rise to cautious satisfaction though not for over-optimism , should go to my predecessor as Treasurer — QC .
10 The second area of the report which I would want to draw your attention to is that area concerned with growth and savings and a number have put forward in sections seven , eight , nine and ten of the report , that on pages six , seven and eight and it 's got within those growth and savings that we can work to the target set by the policy committee .
11 For NCC to continue to reiterate the theme and amplify the idea of cross-curricular themes in official documentation is very encouraging : it is a definite step forward and one which I would want to secure .
12 I have a thick wad of these letters which I would love to read out , so that they would be put on the record .
13 I decided to make one last attempt after which I would start looking for a place from where I could obtain a map of the city .
14 The earliest we could start work would be the 19th September , for which I would need to put out a call during August .
15 Again I felt fear and panic well up inside me , but again decided that this could not help in any way and would simply be a waste of the valuable energy which I would need to get through this difficult time .
16 Which I would like to aim to complete by lunchtime so we can resume afresh on the others at five thirty .
17 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
18 But the other way in which our Party has a future is the way in which I would like to see it have a future .
19 I hope all of you know or have met this good friend of the Hundred I 'm sure that most of you have and he has with him today a guest from Germany , Herr and his charming daughter er and Mr was a member of the and has provided invaluable information here , who as you know is doing a , a comprehensive book on the monster mission and in commemoration of what we have done today , we have a letter addressed to er the Hundredth Bomb Group Memorial Association U K , from the Most Reverend Doctor the Bishop of Munster which I would like to read to you .
20 Then I had an idea which I would like to try out on you .
21 ‘ I have views which I would like to express . ’
22 There are , however , one or two points in the article which I would like to comment upon .
23 However speculative my development of the theory of memes may be , there is one serious point which I would like to emphasize once again .
24 The sale of David Batty has at least made room for the introduction of Rocky ( something which I would like to have seen earlier given the injury problems of Strach ) and his performances to date have been good although showing signs of the years lay off .
25 I have seen some very attractively variegated mint which I would like to grow in the flower border , but my mother says it will take over the whole garden .
26 Well that 's not something on which I would wish to comment on .
27 There is no way in which I would wish to minimize the significance of ethnicity in relation to differentiation and the action consequences of that differentiation .
28 Right , it 's clear i n't it under four rule twenty eight , four , it 's not essential for the disallowance of any cost or interest that er the taxing officer should be satisfied that erm the other party has been prejudiced , in fact that is not a condition precedent to the exercise of his part and disallow interest in this here item , er any prejudice there maybe is merely one factor to be taken into account in other matters and it does seem to me that the fact the court can , can properly and should properly take into account , is , is that erm , it is desirable that to litigation should erm comply with there obligations , either expressly , express or explicit under the rules of the court to comply with matter such as it should have orders part drawn up and served as appropriate , as I say it seems to me that er the plaintiffs 's can be criticized in not erm having perfected the order of Mr Justice er before they did so but er , I have , it seems to me to look at all the relevant pictures in the case , er if it were the case that the plaintiff suffered any prejudice as the result of that claim , clearly that would be a matter which I would have to take into account , but I 'm bound to say it does n't seem to me that the fender of the plaintiffs to perfect the order did in fact cause any prejudice to the plaintiff and indeed if they , the plaintiffs had perfected the order , it seems to me exactly the same course of events as in fact transpired in this case , would actually have occurred and would n't make any difference at all , so unless it 's a matter of simply of er seeking to punish the plaintiff as a matter of discipline , it seems to me there is a , not really anything in the point that the order was not perfected er when it seems to me it should of been , and I , there stood to see the other er circumstances , now it 's quite clear to me having been referred to correspondence , passing between the solicitors that erm although really from a very early stage er the plaintiffs solicitors referring to Mr a letter of early nineteen ninety one indicating that erm the view was being taken that the likelihood was that erm the plaintiffs would have to get their costs out of the defendants share and interest in the premises and er that would be a matter which could only be dealt with when the enquiries director by Mr Justice had been dealt with .
29 Not that I have to make the same choices as someone I acknowledge to be more discriminating , since my differently constituted palate may react differently , but my own choice will be better informed if I heed nuances which I would have missed if he had not pointed them out .
30 My driving on was not a blind impulse , for I had reasons to stop with which I would have justified myself had I done so , but I discounted them in favour of other reasons for continuing .
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