Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb past] [be] given " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Life has changed , Shama , ’ I said looking at the Japanese thermos on the chair by my bed and the round box of Danish biscuits which I had been given ‘ in case you are hungry in the night ’ .
2 Ms Wilikins did not look too happy with the question for which she had been given no prior notice .
3 In December 1986 she had had a transient ischaemic attack for which she had been given enteric coated aspirin ( ecotrin 300 mg/day ) .
4 Lilian Ormerod , 63 , of Stonedale Crescent , Norris Green , Liverpool , had been in Broadgreen Hospital 's cardio-thoracic centre , in which she had been given blood transfusions and other treatment for heart disease .
5 Another , a regular visitor to the Undercroft , presented a model of the King of Siam 's Royal barge , which she had been given 40 years ago , after service in our Bangkok Embassy .
6 It showed what many journalists in Beirut had long realised : that the Palestinians regarded their cause , their country — Palestine — as infinitely more holy , more sacred than the nation in which they had been given refuge .
7 Odd , I thought , as I confirmed the number which they had been given .
8 One has seen people from the shop floor sent to help start up plants overseas , and seen them rapidly take responsibilities far beyond those which they had been given in their home organization .
9 Three Cabinet appointees were reported on April 1 to have rejected posts which they had been given in a transitional government appointed on March 30 .
10 Nottinghamshire club player Bryn Derbyshire was given a three-month suspended sentence with £300 costs , and had to pay £400 compensation to umpire Joseph Purser after causing ‘ bodily harm by wanton furious driving ’ by reversing his car at the umpire after a match in which he had been given out lbw .
11 But as he grew older , and felt the signs of decay in his mortal body , he rejoiced to think that his inner man was being renewed every day , until he should attain that ‘ being at home with the Lord ’ to which his whole Christian life was directed and of which he had been given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee ( 2 Cor. 4 : 16f , 5:1ff , 5,8 ) .
12 " The Independent " argued that it could not in natural justice be bound by an order made against another newspaper , on different facts , and which it had been given no opportunity to oppose .
13 He hated untidiness and waste ; he thought that babies who threw things from their cradles should be punished , and children who would n't eat their food should be starved until they ate what they had been given in the first place . ’
14 Unfortunately they were shipwrecked and lost much of what they had been given .
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