Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb past] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd never been in hospital before , and after the first day I felt well enough to notice things like the faint smell , which I thought was of death , but which was disinfectant , and to be mildly infuriated by hospital routine .
2 They get on fine , which I thought was against all the rules .
3 She , Bambi , Nell and the Youngs made their way past me without looking at me and continued on along the corridor beside the kitchen , going to inspect the revised quarters which I knew were in the sleeping car forward of Filmer 's .
4 I went and sat in a field and experienced that great bubbling up of love for the Father and for Jesus which I expressed alternately in English and in this new language which I did not understand but which I knew was to be addressed to God and which built me up as I used it .
5 In particular the sharpened leading-notes ( a feature of some of his other editions ) are in this small space especially intrusive and seem stylistically odd , leading to a situation in the Credo where the plainchant itself has to be altered to accommodate the harmony , which I understood was against the commonly-accepted rules of musica ficta .
6 The most professional approach which I had was in fact via an intermediary who was acting on behalf of an existing customer of the company who employed me and whose objective was to sound out general interest without disturbing the importance of on-going business relationships .
7 " The class to which I belonged was by no means the lowest .
8 I had been trained in Mespot in the art of aerial survey by the Royal Engineers , which I felt was of no practical use to my squadron , thus I became the squadron photographic officer ( small p and small o ) .
9 A house called Les Hiboux , sited in the département of the Dordogne , which she knew was in the south-west , near a community called Issigeac .
10 BOB Phillips of Information Services at Risley sent us some motoring observations which we felt were worth sharing …
11 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
12 Now why I mean do you think it matters that these things are so that these things are so , that these things which we thought were in , you know private to you , and not available to other people so easily , why do you think it matters that they actually are apparently in return for mo payment , are available to anyone ?
13 The African National Congress condemned the attack which they said was by shadowy forces , intent on encouraging violence in the volatile black Ciskei homeland .
14 These and many other factors are of great importance to practising physicians , but to do justice to them and to the controversies which they provoked is beyond the purpose of this book .
15 Some felt a leaping in their spirits at the moment when the announcement was made at the AGM , something which they knew was from God .
16 They were overheating in the Med , which they claimed was like swimming in spit .
17 Since the existing rules applied to a serf-based society , suspending them implied that the social order on which they depended was to be altered .
18 The approach which they employed was by using hard systems which are capable of specification , analysis and manipulation in a more or less rigorous and quantitative manner ; soft systems which are not tractable by mathematical methods ; by exploring examples ; and by combining interdisciplinary approaches by reviewing the dilemmas which confront man 's intervention in natural systems .
19 The religion which Proust eventually elaborated , as we shall see , was I think a religion of art , and the masterpiece which he wrote was of course his novel in fifteen volumes .
20 Jay was no mean performer ( in Peter 's words ) on the tenor sax but he was nervous and edgy about doing something which he said was against the law .
21 In his first address to the nation as Prime Minister on June 22 Rao concentrated on the country 's economy , which he said was in a state of crisis .
22 He dismissed some of the popular images of the Specials which he said were off the mark .
23 The last time the hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) expressed his concerns , he gave a list of our programmes which he said were to be destroyed and eliminated .
24 What is our concern , though , is the notion of love which he saw was at the centre of understanding the work of Christ .
25 His theology was , however , deeply unorthodox and , as we saw in Chapter I , he paid the highest price for wishing to supplant contemporary Roman Catholicism with an alternative religion , which he believed was of older pedigree .
26 Leaving until last the one which he knew was from Madeleine , he opened Aubrey 's .
27 And as he had her , he emitted grunts which he hoped were in character for the director of a man-made fibres company .
28 The annihilation had all but occurred in far-off Europe , but that with which he wrestled was of even deeper concern — the cessation of the faith from within .
29 First he pointed out his own editorial cubicle , then the adjacent one which he explained was for his personal assistant , Carmel Bedford .
30 The England in which he arrived was in a peculiar condition , being neither the Brideshead cocktail party of their Ivy League fancies , nor the go-go hotspot of mini-skirted hairdressers pictured on the front of American news weeklies .
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