Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [pron] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 The first is that you are part of local government and sadly local government as a service has an image , a profile , even a stance which it it it does n't really deserve .
2 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
3 Well what I what I did here , to work it out so I could come up to some sort of value , is I said I have n't had time to chuck these back on the screen yet to start again
4 But what I what I what I do n't know is who the who the contact at these
5 your house and what you what you do in it
6 No what he what he did is and he
7 And , er , so the , so Freud 's theory does n't necessarily require that , that any source of anxiety should be traced to today 's events , what it what it does say is that very often today 's events shape the manifest , and sometimes the latent , content of the dream quite a lot .
8 What what what what did you ?
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