Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [verb] [was/were] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Well I suppose it has in a sense , yes , it 's enabled us to both confront the fact that that I 'm not all knowing and that I 'm not all powerful , which I mean was because my children , as I say , are still quite young , which is something new for them , I suppose , as well as something new for me .
2 What 's come out in the in the telephone call which you recorded was that er the father baby she is alleging is actually her own father what do you think do you think that puts her in any danger the fact that you 're making this public that the father may hear this .
3 The wording to which we agreed was as follows : ‘ That this House welcomes the Government 's decision to leave the ERM ; and urges a fresh start to economic policy , in particular the abandonment of fixed exchange rates and a commitment to sound finance , stable money and the right climate for steady growth . ’
4 Don McCullin was n't allowed to go , which he thinks was because of the kind of images that he would have produced .
5 What I figured was that EC ai n't playing like EC used to play any more , so I played exactly as if it was a garage band from Seattle !
6 So what I thought was that it was quite important to look at all these organisations that do seem to me really to have nothing to do with Oxford or Oxfordshire , and that we should be very careful .
7 I , I sort of heard Debbie and Chris talking the other day , and I might have got it totally mixed up , but I reckon , I heard Chris saying that , well basically what I gathered was that Andy might have a different father to Chris and it was Andy 's father that 's died , right ?
8 Erm , I think what I said was that as a result of these actions , the payroll would be thirty million less in ninety three than ninety two .
9 And if you cast your minds way back to Tuesday you will remember that what I said was that the Americans were trying to create a system of limited government er and yet one which er protected the liberties of individuals not all individuals , not black individuals especially but of individuals , this was the rhetoric of the time and the main device that they invented to do this was something called the separation of powers and they argued that , where political power is concentrated , the potential for abuse is greater so that where executive and legislative powers are held in the same hands , as they are in our system of government , the , there is more prospect of government encroaching upon the rights of individuals .
10 What I meant was when I said five proposals
11 Erm but I think that I , what I felt was that I should have the right to be consulted and that every reasonable effort should be made to consult me .
12 what , what I wondered was if you can take some bleach down , I think there 's probably some down in the loo downstairs , and at least put some of that into , can you do that ?
13 Though what she said was that you sometimes had what she called ‘ bad turns ’ .
14 No , what she said was that we spent er no he said I gave a fat cheque for the caravan .
15 But what she hoped was that he would return before breakfast so that he would find her here , crouched lonely and exhausted on the top stair , waiting for him , frightened because he had left her alone .
16 I lived in Switzerland for fifteen years and I knew many many people who after having had their children would have breasts implants and , they just felt that they 'd got back the figure that they had before the children and particularly one of my friends she had twins and her stomach was so stretched and after her pregnancy she 'd got all this sort of sagging skin and what she regretted was that she waited fifteen years before she decided to go and have something done and she just felt so much better about it .
17 What she understood was that she had grossly misinterpreted the situation .
18 No what we said was that if you were interested to see if two variables are associated , this is for a pi squared you might look at sex differences , men and women , and smoking or non-smoking now if they were associated what we 've said is that you might for example ex in fact women 'll probably smoke more than men .
19 But what we realized was that even if we hit his estimates we were still gon na be worse off .
20 But I you know hopeful I know that th th th quite a large and high numbers but what we agreed was if we were working on the basis of something like on one person every six weeks
21 But what we found was that the heavier breeds , the wine dots and the Rhode Island Reds , they did n't need such a high fence as what the leghorns or any of the lighter breeds needed .
22 Reading between the lines , what they meant was that they were not going to train people who might keel over and die before the CAB had had its money 's worth .
23 What they pleaded for was further experimentation and what they hoped was that the new techniques and acting styles could be extended to other types of films .
24 What what we must n't do with Honey and Munnford is just take things at face value because what Honey and Munnford did is they actually carried out interviews with a thousand people and what they decided that I mean they carried out interviews with er lots of people thousand and they had a general study where they carried out interviews with a thousand people and what they said was that in particular with the reflector a l some , some scores are naturally higher than others and that what we ca n't do is just sort of look at these and say well this is the highest score , therefore I 'm much more of a , of a reflector than I have of , I am of the other three , all we actually need to do is compare our scores against the general norms .
25 What they missed was that his response was a perfectly normal product of constant exposure to Stalinist thinking .
26 What they found was that the river bottom invertebrates which spend their larval stages among the gravel and pebbles on the riverbed plummeted in numbers immediately after the inundation .
27 However , what they found was that the peak was at around 2.3 MeV in the normal mode ( current flowing away from the detector ) and 2.6 MeV in the reverse case ( current flowing towards the detector ) -like the object thrown from the moving vehicle against or with the motion .
28 What they found was that the wipers cleared the windscreen perfectly well .
29 And er what they found was that the media sensitive managers were much more likely to be regarded as highly successful and sensitivity in selection of media by relating the medium to the message would seem to relate quite closely to erm y'know high performance as a manager Let's have a look at
30 What he meant was that his reluctant compatriots were so inward-looking that they could not perceive his genius .
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