Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The other matter with which I wish to deal is the false feeling among Conservative Members that the Government have acted correctly on child benefit .
2 The final element to which I wish to refer is the quality of our democracy , which has exercised the minds of many hon. Members today .
3 Always with that I'm-sorry expression on his face , which I begin to realize is actually contentment .
4 The movement of the boundary which you seek to create is possible only under the terms of Policy E Ten .
5 Traditionally , there are restrictions on using " I " : some teachers forbid it , as an example of inelegant intrusion by the author ( though nowadays it is generally thought permissible to use " I " occasionally , to emphasise a point which you wish to show is personal rather than general ) .
6 The independent variable on which one has to focus is the political culture .
7 Moreover , if the moral judgment which we require to make is one which involves our own personal interest we might reasonably look to the relevant law as representing a less partial view of the matter than our own ; for , without attributing to the law a non-partisan impartiality at variance with most available knowledge about the actual political and legal processes , it might still happen to be less partial and more informed than we are when making judgments about cases which affect us closely .
8 Perhaps the final element of the public health model which we need to consider is what evidence there is available concerning tertiary prevention or treatment , i.e. the efficacy of interventions specifically designed to reduce the likelihood of further abuse once child abuse has occurred .
9 I do not think that the problem which we have to solve is really assisted by considering in what respect his position is the same quoad the landlord as it was before the order was made .
10 In favour , are facts such as : ( a ) When a relative clause is attached to a clause as its head , then it is introduced by the " which " marker which follows noun phrases , and not the " as " marker used for verbs and verb phrases : ( 65 ) the mountain which they want to climb is Mount Elburz he swept the yard as he was instructed ( 66 ) McRowen queried the call , which infuriated the umpire McRowen queried the call , as ( it ) infuriated the umpire ( b ) Clauses take , in bigger clauses , positions that are commonly filled by noun phrases : ( 67 ) Marples heard the news ( 68 ) Marples heard that the soup was contaminated This is true even of so-called adverbial clauses : ( 69 ) Peggy realized her error after Christmas ( 70 ) Peggy realized her error after the Christmas season was ended
11 The challenge which they have to face is summed up almost casually as Cruiser Trewsbury talks to a seaman in a pause from effort .
12 Although a satisfactory account of these models requires a level of technical exposition well beyond the scope of this book , the basic question which they attempted to answer is quite simple to grasp .
13 THE RAIL unions are calling a one-day strike , which they seem to think is the way to win the support of their passengers .
14 Will the Minister explain to the hon. Member for Cambridgeshire , North-East ( Mr. Moss ) that the common agricultural policy which he seeks to defend is a grossly inefficient system ?
15 It may not in all cases be sufficient to advise a client that the action which he desires to take is not possible under the existing law ; circumstances may arise in which the proper answer is that if the law does not allow the action to be taken then the law itself should be changed .
16 The Auditing Practices Board 's discussion paper on the future direction of auditing ( see p 88 ) has been given a warm welcome by most of the profession , and the debate which it hoped to stimulate is already underway .
17 I believe that he was misleading the House and the country by those assertions , because the burden of the case of those of us who think that the Bill is completely irrelevant to the problems of our prisons which it purports to tackle is that the penalties already exist in the Public Order Act 1986 , for which the Government can legitimately take credit .
18 The ’ height ’ which it tries to minimize is called the machine 's energy , and is defined to be
19 The date , and the exiled place of composition of its authors , suggests tellingly that the situation with which it attempts to deal is the phenomenon of fascism which seemed to have stopped in its tracks the long march of the progress of reason , and its liberating enlightenment ideals , of which Marxism was the fullest political development .
20 But let me make it immediately clear what I mean by this ; what I mean to say is that Miss Kenton 's letter set off a certain chain of ideas to do with professional matters here at Darlington Hall , and I would underline that it was a preoccupation with these very same professional matters that led me to consider anew my employer 's kindly meant suggestion .
21 What I mean to say is
22 Wh what I mean to say is I could n't in advance guess which field it was that you were going to want at any particular moment .
23 Oh yes I know what I mean to say is
24 What I wish to propose is that for this poor and hungry population many of the physiological symptoms of which they complain are also symptoms of chronic hunger .
25 What I wish to suggest is that filling the structural lacuna makes structured talk without higher-order thought look much less likely .
26 What I hope to do is simply to share with you the life of Idigo and in experiences and to walk alongside him and also to help us reflectively to look and examine our own journey where are we with God ?
27 What I hope to show is that the attacks on the reality and irreducibility of both subjective experience and thought leave one with no contentful conception of the world .
28 Cos what I tend to do is I do a full board there find out
29 When there 's er when there 's this sort of number what I like to do is make it very informal , more of a chat really than , than a talk .
30 Basically what I like to do is have a conversation about the project and then get the designer to come up with an answer .
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