Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [verb] [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs , Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit , which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky .
2 The old G201 grade , which everyone thought had had its day , has become a clear success !
3 I agreed with Gyggle , only by entering the dreamscape , the hypercast of my hotted-up mind , could I hope to resolve this paradox and once and for all free myself from the malevolent force which I felt had shaped my life .
4 My patient presented in March 1991 with a raised red lesion on the back of her leg , which she believed had developed after an insect bite on holiday in Malta in 1990 .
5 But then realism , as she knows , like journalism , does not exclude analysis : in fact her first book , Sartre , had ended in a mild sense of exasperation against philosophy itself , which she believed had frustrated Sartre by making him unable to write a great novel , ‘ a tragic symptom of a situation which afflicts us all ’ .
6 Linley Park , South Aberdeen , attacked compulsory competitive tendering which she said had produced wage rates as low as £1 an hour for cleaners in Kincardine & Deeside .
7 No , we had a cheque which we presumed had come from Social Services
8 In the US , thanks to an agreement that major distributors would give eight films annually a full circuit release , pictures such as The 49th Parallel , Target for Tonight and In Which We Serve had done remarkable business .
9 But the slivers , so moist , so delicious , had been interleaved with greaseproof paper , and the white tray in which they lay had looked so very like the ones she had looked at with hopeless longing in Marks and Spencer , except that someone had torn off the label .
10 An analysis of the polemics in which the nouveaux romanciers have been prepared to engage demonstrates , at the very least , a concern with modernizing the contemporary French novel which they felt had advanced little , formally and technically , since Balzac , as a consequence of the failure to assimilate both the local experiments of Flaubert and Proust and the innovations of Joyce , Woolf , Faulkner and Kafka elsewhere .
11 In Bolivia 11,500 indigenous Indians from the Chimanes forest marched in August 1990 to the capital , La Paz , in protest at a 1987 debt-for-nature swap [ see pp. 35763 ; 36249 ] , which they said had led to plundering of the area by logging companies .
12 The passage in which they walked had changed its nature gradually , and Harry had not noticed it until he stumbled in the broken formations of the flooring where all had been smoothly levelled before .
13 They denounced the government which they claimed had brought the country " permanent poverty and a deplorable life " .
14 And the bar on which they stood had evolved from a simple counter or hatch to something approaching the form we know today : in his Encyclopaedia of Cottage , Farm and Villa Architecture of 1833 J C Loudon described the ideal bar ( the place ‘ from which all orders are issued ’ ) as being ‘ of some size ’ , with ‘ commanding views of the front entrance hall and back entrance ’ .
15 Last night other booksellers reacted with anger , saying it would damage small independent book shops and destroy a system which they believe had served the trade and book-buying public well .
16 THE scarred survivor of a fireball sobbed in the witness box yesterday as he recalled his dramatic escape from a murder-trap car which he thought had killed his girlfriend .
17 The paper was planned in enormous secrecy to run alongside the existing Sunday Mirror , which he thought had become ‘ a soft , ladies ' paper ’ .
18 A friend of mine lost a whole litter by feeding them a wild goose which he thought had died as a result of a collision with overhead power cables .
19 It would provide 20,000 temporary jobs per month , especially in rural areas at times when there was less work , and would include a low-cost housing programme , a national food programme , an urban community development programme , and a project to bring help to eastern El Salvador , which he said had suffered most in the last 10 years .
20 Private Lee Clegg ( 22 ) told Belfast Crown Court how he fired three aimed shots at the front windscreen of the car which he believed had struck his colleague , Private Barry Aindow .
21 He also hoped that success would build an unanswerable case for membership of the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System , which he believed had become vital .
22 This mild rebuke of the attitude of some missionaries to Indian thought and tradition corresponds to his criticism of orthodox Christianity , which he believed had distorted the message of Jesus .
23 The new renown of Walter Machin and the heady publicity which had resulted for the town in which he lived had suggested to the Arts Club committee ( a mixture of the local genteel and the local far left ) that a retrospective of the work of his stepson might neatly capitalize on the widespread interest .
24 He said the current system which he claimed had prevented Middlesbrough council from building a single home for three years was ‘ a recipe for countless cases of personal misery . ’
25 The exercise led to a bizarre episode in 1967 , when the mayor of Londonderry , Councillor Albert Anderson , produced a letter which he claimed had come from the working committee .
26 Ever since the pharmaceutical company for which he worked had given him the vehicle given , thought Henry grimly ) number 47 had been watching over it in a manner that suggested an emotion deeper than motherhood , more desperate than romantic love .
27 But by then the Soviet Union no longer had any faith in the sincerity of a government which it believed had encouraged Fascism for many years .
28 The GAO report cites the instance of one storage tank which it estimated had leaked between 50,000 and 800,000 gallons of radioactive water over a ten-year period up to 1978 , against the operators ' reporting of 5,000 gallons .
29 On the question of the UN , the Phnom Penh regime was openly wary of an institution which it felt had legitimized the Khmer Rouge claim to power by allowing the CGDK to occupy the Cambodian seat at the General Assembly [ see p. 37041 ] .
30 And , in time , that was what she felt had happened .
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