Example sentences of "[Wh det] [art] [noun sg] be [be] " in BNC.

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1 The net interest accrued since the last ex dividend date is determined as follows : where AI = net accrued interest , N xc = number of days between the ex dividend date and the coupon payment date ( typically 37 days for UK government bonds ) , N xt = number of days between the ex dividend date and the date for which the calculation is being made .
2 Finally , it seems clear that the meaning of ‘ sufficient interest ’ is related to some extent to the ground on which the decision is being challenged .
3 Certain decisions may thwart the very purpose for which the decision is being made .
4 But if it 's done as a way of accelerating the child 's development , in order , as it were , to give it the edge over its peers , that does n't seem to me to suggest a relationship in which parent and child are enjoying each other ; it is much more a relationship in which the child is being prepared for competition with its peers and this , I feel , probably is going to turn out badly , because almost inevitably the child will not reach the levels that the parent has build up in fantasy in its own mind .
5 But if it 's done as a way of accelerating the child 's development , in order , as it were , to give it the edge over its peers , that does n't seem to me to suggest a relationship in which parent and child are enjoying each other ; it is much more a relationship in which the child is being prepared for competition with its peers and this , I feel , probably is going to turn out badly , because almost inevitably the child will not reach the levels that the parent has build up in fantasy in its own mind .
6 It was soon apparent that many of the audience were critical of the way in which the law is being administered .
7 Well I think the first thing is , we have to bring out into the open the way in which the law is being misused .
8 He sees that the grandiose , monumental scale on which the universe is being planned is wrong in itself , even apart from the physical risks it will entail .
9 After the weekend , the Unionist Whips decided that they had taken things far enough , having wasted an entire week of parliamentary time and given their supporters a sign of the vigour with which the fight was being waged .
10 The Hard Copy Manager may edit the configuration file to allocate more room in the hard copy directory , or to reduce the minimum fill mark of the volumes , or the manager may reduce the number of charge codes for which the run is being made ; the manager may make both adjustments if necessary .
11 I understand the reservations expressed by hon. Members on both sides of the House about the speed with which the Bill is being enacted .
12 In artificial selection , the chosen end , for which the race is being fitted , does not elicit the variation being selected .
13 These changes , in the piecemeal fashion in which the Act is being implemented , will come into force in September 1993 and have already led to what Adrian Randall , finance director of the Cancer Research Campaign , calls , ‘ some howlers ’ .
14 A DC may reference up to 29 modules ( note that you should have a maximum of one package on any DC , to allow for successful approval ) and , at the time of approval , all referenced modules must be contained within the package through which the work is being carried out .
15 The extent to which the landscape was being farmed and the efficiency of agricultural practices may be measured by the frequency with which farms were abandoned for new sites .
16 Please check the details on the Claim Form to ensure that the use covered by the Policy is the use to which the vessel is being put .
17 One might suggest that the vibrancy in the Philippine health movement is a measure of the critical nature of the struggle but I could argue that it is a product of the manner in which the struggle is being waged .
18 Lawyers acting for Ferranti concede that there is no chance of getting back the full £215m which the company is being forced to write off as a result of the International Signal and Control fraud .
19 Books and pamphlets directed at children and parents , conferences and public meetings , together with the formation of influential pressure groups , all testified to the seriousness with which the issue was being treated .
20 ‘ We must accept the fact that this is an age in which the cloth is being unwoven … ’
21 The plaintiff 's advisers must therefore bear in mind that the amount that will be notified as having been paid into court will frequently be greater than the amount which the plaintiff is being offered in settlement .
22 The choice between these ways will depend upon the purpose for which the analysis is being made .
23 For example , all of us have a stake , or an objective interest , in a healthy environment but we may not be aware of the ways in which the environment is being polluted to the detriment of our health .
24 They were the framework through which the region was being administered .
25 The incident and scattered beams are inclined to one another so that the point of intersection locates the point at which the velocity is being measured .
26 For example , the European network Eurostep transmits training programmes by satellite but students can interact with what they see by asking questions or raising points for discussion using a voice telephone link to the studio from which the programme is being transmitted .
27 A new era of austerity starts in April 1994 , and the next 12 months looks like an all-too-brief inter-regnum in which the economy is being given a chance to grow again before the tax blows begin to fall .
28 A close associate of Knighton said that one option being considered was to sell on part of his Isle of Man holding company , M K Trafford , through which the offer is being made .
29 Jonathan Scott , Chairman of the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art has produced another of his elegantly written reports on how successful or otherwise Britain has been at retaining its preeminent works of art : the tally , eighteen out of forty-four retained — that is , a public institution or , in the case of the Delander stick barometer , a private citizen , has matched the price at which the item was being exported .
30 — Tell the reader something about the context from which the quotation was taken , to indicate the background against which the quotation is being used .
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