Example sentences of "[Wh det] [art] [noun] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If then you have invited the artists of Europe to send in plans for a Plan which we have no intention of executing , two questions will arise — the first is who will pay the Premiums which you propose to offer for these Plans , seeing that we could hardly propose to Parliament to vote Premiums for Plans that are not to be executed , and secondly whether the Artists of Europe will not think that they have been trifled with in being asked to send in Plans for an undertaking which the Govt had on consideration determined not to attempt .
2 The matters about which the board have to be satisfied before making a provisional grant are specified in subs .
3 De Smith has adumbrated four different tests which the courts have at one time or another used .
4 These are , in fact , matters of which the courts have to an extent been prepared to take notice in the past .
5 Secondly , what are the mother tongues of those who will be using the grammar to learn the language ? if the mother tongue is related to the target language , many features which the languages have in common will not need to be drilled .
6 Under section 6(1) of the Act a court will not be able to pass a community sentence unless it is of the opinion that the offence ( or the combination of any two of the offences concerned ) is sufficiently serious to justify such a sentence ( it is a question of argument whether this is a reference to any kind of community sentence , or to the particular kind of community sentence which the court has in mind ) .
7 The favoured area becomes the reference to which the others have to be aligned .
8 During her visit reporters noted that Hills raised almost every trade complaint which the USA had against Japan , including market entry restrictions , discrimination against foreigners in certain service sectors and an insufficient use by the government of anti-monopoly laws against construction companies involved in cartels and bid-rigging .
9 The army absorbed most of the Scottish gentry who hoped to make their living from the sword , but there were also many Scots in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines , and those who entered the senior service appear to have been attracted by the substantial advantages which the navy had over the army for a gentleman of limited means .
10 But , if the universe were to crush him , man would still be more noble than that which killed him , because he knows that he dies and the advantage which the universe has over him ; the universe knows nothing of this .
11 But every health-care system is facing similar pressures and the need to improve efficiency is important , without sacrificing equity and free access , which the NHS has in larger measure than most other health care systems ( Le Grand , 1989b ) .
12 ‘ The learned judge left the case to the jury , remarking upon the tender years of the girl , her situation under the care and authority of the prisoner and his wife , and the authority and influence which the prisoner had over her in the absence of his wife .
13 David Beskine of the RA said ‘ This is not private land but open moorland over which the public has for many years had a right to roam .
14 A bureau may try to orchestrate those demands by its links with the organizations representing the consumers of its services , thereby affecting the influence which the public have on the revealed preferences of the sponsor .
15 The disquieting feature of the pronouncements of the House of Lords is that by flatly insisting upon the literal rule without expressing any qualifications , they tend to repress the use of the traditional tools by which the judges have in the past introduced rationality into the statute law .
16 There has been some controversy in recent years over the effect which the plague had on the population , and the bacteriologist J. F. D. Shrewsbury has tried to argue that bubonic plague could not , by its nature , have destroyed as high a proportion of the population as historians have claimed ( 102 ) .
17 Appreciation of the vital place which the Church had in Medieval life is necessary to an understanding of the buildings which we have inherited from this time .
18 The kind of planning which the FBI had in mind — ‘ indicative planning ’ involving the gathering and exchange of information on the development of the economy and the improvement of co-ordination , rather than the formulation and compulsory implementation of a central plan — had already been attempted under the Tories with the formation of the National Economic Development Council ( NEDC ) in 1962 but had effectively remained subordinated to conventional stop-go demand management practice : Labour promised a form of planning which would be ‘ purposeful ’ and ‘ effective ’ , which would ‘ have teeth in it somewhere ’ ( Budd , 1978 , Chapter 6 ) .
19 This is , I think , recognised by the words ‘ or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation ’ which cast considerable light on the severe degree of psychological harm which the Convention has in mind .
20 Among the various characteristics of these technologies which Blauner identifies we highlight three here : the changing skill requirements , the worker 's sense of control over the work process , and changes in the meaningfulness of work — these last two characteristics being , to a very large extent , a product of the social relationships which the worker has with management and the end-user of the product being made .
21 It follows that the remedies we have discussed are those which the buyer has against the seller .
22 It has been said that the surety 's obligation is simply that of paying money and , of course , in a sense that is true if one looks only at the remedy which the landlord has against him in the event of default by the tenant .
23 The plan which the Governors had in mind — which was carried out with great success — was to demolish this house , build the first phase of the new Junior School where the house had stood , and finally to demolish the then Junior School and replace it with the second phase .
24 With teachers ' morale at its lowest ebb in living memory and with parental frustration escalating , the way was clear for Central Government to demand that schools be made much more accountable — accountable to the parent body which the teachers had for years struggled to involve in schools in the interests of the children they were teaching .
25 Here the main London Bridge — Brighton railway crossed over the road on a very low four track bridge , under which the roadway had to be considerably lowered , but the pavements were not lowered and were protected by railings .
26 First , there is the information which the client has about the accident .
27 In the case of purely generic goods , if the particular goods which the seller had in mind to supply had in fact perished at the time of the contract this would not make it impossible for him to perform the contract .
28 The former view tends to ignore the fact that the Labour Party was deeply-rooted in trade-union politics before 1914 , while the latter overlooks the great potential which the war had for destroying old values and arrangements .
29 Is he aware that Father Reilley , the chairman of the governors , has already been disposed of , that the new chairman had a brawl with the head teacher , to which the police had to be called , that the chairman has purported to sack the head teacher and that the Department has intervened and had correspondence and has appointed new governors ?
30 The residents and traders do not seem overly worried about indiscriminate parking they seem to regard it as an advantage which the town has over others .
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