Example sentences of "[Wh det] [prep] [noun sg] be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 minister 's well aware , this is causing considerable concern amongst the small percent of the population in Southend-on-Sea who are interested in European elections because the proposal is that instead of the links with Chelmsford , as we are at present , we 're going to be linked with Thurrock , which of course is something different .
2 She much rather wanted a real policy-research unit , which of course is what she 's now got .
3 Did Siemens AG buy a pig in a poke — the German 's , ever literal , call it a cat in a sack , which of course is what a pig in a poke usually turns out to be — when it bought Atlantic Richfield Co 's Arco Solar Power subsidiary in Camarillo , California for $35.9m in 1990 ?
4 Which of course is what residents concerned about .
5 Which of course is what advertisers would tell you as well .
6 Which of course is what you were doing here .
7 They were put up yesterday because of the problems with the Social Services Department , one of which of course was it 's previous overspend .
8 You can either react equally aggressively and verbally back in Spanish , or French , which in fact is what is happening , but that is not helpful , or as one member of staff said to me today , ‘ I came very close to clobbering him today ’ .
9 snub legs oh yeah what inside leg are you ?
10 ‘ Yes , ’ Mike added , ‘ what in heck 's she doing , Pa ? ’
11 What in heck is she wearing it for anyway , Pa ? ’
12 So what in fashion are you given it Claire ?
13 What in hell are you doing , kid ! ’
14 Can I short circuit that question and say , what in fact is your hundred percent ?
15 As the question goes : ‘ What on earth are we doing for heaven 's sake ? ,
16 How often do you hear learners complain What on earth are we expected to do ? ’ or ‘ How do we go about it ? ’
17 What on earth are we doing here ? ’ she muttered , staring up at the familiar sight of an old converted warehouse overlooking the Thames .
18 Well what I know the answer is is to say do n't worry be concerned but do n't worry because worrying does n't do you no good , it does n't do the condition no good and it does n't do everybody else any good either because they just say oh she 's you know what she is , depressed by whatever it is and that 's , as it were , objectively logical but wh wh what seems to me to be the absolutely overwhelming is to say he 's not worried , he 's desperately concerned , he 's more concerned than humans can possibly be but if god is n't worried , what on earth are we burning up our resources worrying about because if he 's not worried concerned yes , but he 's not worried .
19 to work together and deliver an effective result because nobody gains anything in the eyes of the people of this county by allowing this thing to go on and on and on and what they feel is if we ca n't get to grips with it what on earth are we doing with our existence .
20 So they scratched their heads and wondered , Now what on earth are we going How are we going to pack this ?
21 What on earth are they trying to hide ? "
22 What on earth are they talking about ?
23 So they 've done it , I think someone er who 's walking along the road , see you standing there taking that picture and say , what on earth are they taking a picture of that for ?
24 The satirist and social critic , Robert Benchley , said : ‘ What on earth are they doing together ?
25 It , it was , it was a disastrous weekend for the U's , what on earth are they going to do tonight , are they going to be able to pull it out of the hat and , and
26 What on earth are you talking about Anne ?
27 ‘ Erika , ’ she said , ‘ what on earth are you doing ? ’
28 What on earth are you doing that for ? ’ she asked .
29 ‘ Philip , what on earth are you doing out there ? ’
30 ‘ Willoughby , what on earth are you doing here ? ’
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