Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] he [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 His life was clouded from the 1880s by the onset of tuberculosis , which led him to spend his winters in Florida .
2 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
3 He looked into Rincewind 's mask of sheer terror , which made him redouble his own grip on the stones .
4 Instead he suffered an excruciating pain which made him clasp his heart , and he let go of Sarah so violently she crashed against the newel post .
5 Guy was always very close to his older sister , and after his accident she treated him consistently in the same way as she had before , which helped him to regain his normal social skills very quickly .
6 The trick , of course , is to give young heroes quick wits and ingenuity as well as an impetuous and opportunist temperament , so that any opening for individual enterprise against the enemy can be plausibly taken : at the same time the status and responsibility of a midshipman , however young , which allows him to direct his seniors in dangerous and often illicit exploits will also ensure that he will have the backing of those older men and the support of their common sense , experience and physical strength .
7 To him the camera becomes a tool which allows him to express his thoughts , feelings and moods in direct connection with the world ; it allows his mind and spirit to react to and relate with the everyday world in a visual form thanks to the alchemy of photography .
8 To him the camera becomes a tool which allows him to express his thoughts , feelings and moods in direct connection with the world ; it allows his mind and spirit to react to and relate with the everyday world in a visible form thanks to the alchemy of photography .
9 He also campaigned against pollution but suffered the irony of being prosecuted himself for pollution in 1857 , which caused him to move his works to Miles Platting .
10 Perhaps he had hit a patch of false going which caused him to lose his action , or had a fleeting muscular spasm which lost him the use of his hind legs — something like Bryan Marshall had reported after a couple of his races earlier in the season .
11 It was Eddie 's refusal to do this and his blind obsession and one-track mind which caused him to lose his family , his friends , his respect , his happiness and finally his life .
12 He most certainly had few fond memories of the latter employment , but it was the former which caused him to curse his luck at having been born in Derby .
13 These doctors must be grossly overpaid , unless — yes , Toby Latimer clearly had a private income which allowed him to indulge his tastes to the full .
14 He added that he could choose from several routes which allowed him to halve his travelling time .
15 Born to salty , honest East End folk — this was hinted at , the script sensibly avoiding the risk of fleshing them out — he had risen in the City to a financial position which permitted him to park his BMW beside the flash docklands flat , close to his rough but pure roots , in which he kept his nice French bird .
16 The Commission found that Greiner had acted improperly in sanctioning the appointment of Terry Metherell , an independent member of the state legislature , to a well-paid public service position in the Environmental Protection Authority , a post which required him to resign his seat in the legislature .
17 It can take several minutes for the Goblin to pick his target , at which point he folds his wings back and starts to plummet , yelling wildly as the speed of his descent drives his small Goblin brain wild .
18 With which comment he returned his attention to the map .
19 He rode to school on one of the high ‘ sit up and beg ’ bikes with a saddle on the crossbar , which enabled him to take his daughter from his home at Harnham to school at The Godolphin .
20 In 1918 he was shot in the knee while on a bombing raid and spent some time in hospital before being awarded an army scholarship , which enabled him to complete his studies at the City and Guilds College , London .
21 There was no doubt that Paddy Byrne 's greatest gift to his daughter Sarah was the passing on of his irresistible Irish charm which enabled him to get his own way .
22 The ‘ Coach Fund ’ was heavily subscribed ; Crawford had taken on an extensive schedule which saw him coaching his protégés ( ‘ Crawford 's Colts ’ ) four evenings a week at Carisbrook , and coaching at the Boys ' High School twice a week .
23 From this elaborate rationalisation , Simon Peter derives a new impetus , a new inspiration which enables him to continue his preaching and — according to traditional accounts — to go bravely to his martyrdom .
24 Remarks ( i ) If the reader feels we have gone to a lot of trouble to establish a result which is " obvious " we ask him on what grounds he bases his belief i this result ?
25 What did he call his paper ?
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