Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] be [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 Then when you stop dieting , the body , which has been acting in a kind of starvation mode , finds that it has become used to its new BMR and requires less calories to function .
2 My husband has not paid the community charge which has been operating in Scotland for a year .
3 A curd which has been soaking in its own whey makes an acid cheese ( which explains the often sharp taste of Eastern Mediterranean white cheeses which are sometimes stored in whey ) .
4 In an experiment carried out at Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula in 1989 , microscopic floating ocean plants ( phytoplankton ) were taken from the nearby bay and brought into the laboratory , where they were subjected to levels of ultra-violet radiation estimated to be equivalent to the amount of ultra-violet being transmitted through the ozone hole which has been developing in Antarctica each spring in recent years .
5 To support his family , which had been living in grinding poverty in a squalid tenement , he had to emigrate in 1903 to the USA .
6 In 1613 , for example , the king married his daughter Elizabeth to Frederick of the Palatinate , one of the leading figures of European Calvinism ; similarly , in 1618 four representatives of the English church attended the Synod of Dort , the conference called to resolve the bitter dispute which had been raging in the United Provinces over the doctrine of predestination .
7 The nucleus of the new squadron was provided mainly by ‘ C ’ Flight of 261 Squadron , the unit 's ground component being provided by the latter unit and by 1430 Flight , an army co-operation unit which had been operating in Italian East Africa until the previous month , when the main campaign there had been satisfactorily completed .
8 Raynor had fetched wine from a corner cupboard , and was heating it with a thin iron rod which had been resting in the fire 's embers .
9 Ruth drew a deep breath , summoned all her courage , and blurted out the question which had been churning in her mind day and night for some time .
10 The conference would be held in the USA under the auspices of the UN , which had been mediating in the Cyprus conflict since Turkey invaded and occupied 37 per cent of the island in 1974 [ see pp. 26661-66 ; 26709-10 ] .
11 The unrest which had been escalating in Azerbaijan since the outbreak in February 1988 of the dispute with neighbouring Armenia over the Nagorny Karabakh region [ for December 1989 developments see p. 37128 ] , exploded in mid-January into intercommunal violence across the republic and on the Armenian border .
12 The alarm that such a prospect generated in England was real and intense : in March 1336 Philip VI ordered the French fleet which had been assembling in the Mediterranean for a crusade to transfer to the mouth of the Seine , and Edward felt convinced that Philip was planning a large-scale invasion of England .
13 The libretto , which had been lying in his drawer for years , had been written by a M. Frontenac , who had known Alain-Fournier personally , and had been under the spell of his novel since it first appeared in 1913 .
14 She picked up a little knife which had been lying in the lap of one of the dolls .
15 After that they had begun to encounter the behavioural problems which had been occurring in Reykjavik and which are so depressingly familiar to us all .
16 One time I was in the classroom , and my sparrow , which had been sleeping in my pocket , suddenly woke up and began chirping loudly .
17 She was in high spirits ; the idea which had been growing in her with increasing , undeniable force was now going to become a reality .
18 This confirmed rumours which had been circulating in previous months .
19 One of the tractor drivers ( which had been turning in front of me all day ) decided it was time for dinner .
20 This course gives students the opportunity to study in-depth the cultural and historical forces which have been operating in Ireland since the 17th century .
21 This option is of particular interest to students who wish to increase their awareness and understanding of the cultural and historical forces which have been operating in Ireland since the 17th century .
22 The regions which are leading are in some cases different from those which have been leading in terms of the historic trends over the last four months .
23 What has been missing in our equipment , our foresight , our leadership ?
24 I would be surprised if it was n't still possible to go through ten years of education with only the faintest idea of what has been happening in the world , even your own country .
25 What has been happening in Latin America is that the growth of education has been much faster than structural change in society , with the result that some of the potential value of education for social mobility is lost .
26 Under Cause and Onset look at what has been happening in the preceding hours or days to the onset of the illness and consider the speed with which the illness came on and the order of events .
27 This is precisely what has been happening in recent years , to such an extent that we can without exaggeration speak of a ‘ committals explosion ’ in addition to the remand explosion which we have just outlined .
28 To some extent this is what has been happening in Britain in the 1980s .
29 However , I warn people against lumping together pindown and what has been happening in Leicestershire .
30 There was an interesting article in The Sunday Telegraph on 1 December by Mr. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard , in which he speaks about the devastation in Vukovar and what has been happening in Croatia .
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