Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] to that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One is represented by the Biblical ‘ power to heal sickness and cast out devils ’ ( Mark 3 : 15 ) … the other is represented by the Hippocratic oath … which refers to that ability of healing and that mastery over death which no profession save medicine can claim .
2 Also , in the meantime , a military revolt had taken place in the Spanish army , lead by General Franco , and it soon became clear the division of the contending sides were , on the one side , The Nationalists who were strongly supported by Italy , Germany and Portugal , and on The other side , the government forces , supported by Communist Russia , which led to that side being referred to as ‘ Republicans ’ .
3 Teaching and particularly a scheme of one-to-one tutoring and counselling has to encourage a response from each student which testifies to that student 's commitment to thorough enquiry , hard thinking , self-scrutiny and honesty of purpose , all set within a context of the daily practicalities of management .
4 ‘ The recent change from Madam to Madame , ’ she said , ‘ though it has doubtless raised the tone and general tenor of proceedings in this low and benighted place , has not quite succeeded in erasing the traces of squalor and indeed sleaze which cling to that title in the popular or gutter imagination whenever it is applied to a hard-working woman .
5 But if ideas are to fit the world there must be something which answers to that generality .
6 So far as the general public is concerned , as well as the churches which minister to that public , the works cited above might never have been produced .
7 All the energy and drive which gave to that campaign so electric a character in the first weeks of this year must find outlets for the same fundamental objectives in new , and yet familiar channels .
8 mm , mm in any event members of the jury I , I forgot to mention to you earlier , er , thank you Mr you probably feel a wisdom of this having done several days of this case , two and a half hours is just about as long as anybody can be expected to sit and listen to evidence and er , what I was going to do , and I hope it does n't inconvenience anybody , I was going , instead of going on for three hours till one o'clock , I was gon na break off about half past twelve to about half past one , to break up the day as you know , I hope that 's alright , so what we 'll do we 'll go on now and , and I 'm sure , I think it 's doubtful if you would have got to that point by half past twelve , and then you and Lord sort it out and your learned duties as much as you can in the adjournment and then tell me afterwards what the brochure position is , I 'm sure you 've no objection to disclosing any brochures that you 've got that erm , or can get er which relate to that point
9 What happens to that loan now ? ’
10 There is clearly a civil liberties aspect to what happens to that information .
11 You saw that film , you saw what happened to that person .
12 Some of us said that we would keep an eye on what happened to that Act in the years that followed .
13 What happened to that project , I wonder ?
14 What happened to that ship , Sir Brian ? ’
15 I just do n't want to be the kind of person who suddenly disappears and , in ten years , people say ‘ Hey , I wonder what happened to that guy ? ’ … when I 'm living in misery on a council estate or eating out of rubbish bins . ’
16 They did n't realize that 's how the Spanish Armada was described and look what happened to that lot . ’
17 ‘ These problems are what lead to that sense of being left out , of isolation and despair , which in turn can lead to the symptoms we are familiar with — drug and alcohol abuse , crime and vandalism , debt and family break-up . ’
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