Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] on to the " in BNC.

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1 The great events of his administration were the return to the gold standard , the Treaty of Locarno , the General Strike , the Imperial Conference of 1926 which led on to the Statute of Westminster , and the measures originating in the Ministry of Health for the reform of local government and the extension of social security .
2 It required the outbreak of war and the threatened imminence of defeat to produce the power-sharing of 1940 , which led on to the power transference of 1945 .
3 Which led on to the obvious conclusion . ’
4 She edged tentatively into the lee of the house to hide in a deep shadow and bumped into a broken rainwater pipe which smacked on to the concrete patio .
5 He went with one truck which drove on to the town of Travnik where refugees were coming under shell-fire .
6 Unlike baby goslings which lock on to the first moving object in sight , the newborn baby will be relatively undiscriminating about who tends his needs for the first three or four months of life .
7 The four circles are not presented as dealing with quite separate topics , such that to move from one to another would be in any sense a change of subject , but rather as four equally fundamental and interlocking dimensions of the same ground-motif that runs throughout : that Jesus Christ is the actualisation and realisation in time and history of God 's eternal decision to be God for and with man ; he is himself the everlasting covenant of God with us , and in that covenant the meaning and purpose of the created universe itself is contained ; and in him too lies the uncovering and overcoming of man 's estrangement from God by the divine ‘ No ! ’ of the cross which leads on to the ‘ Yes ! ’ of the resurrection .
8 People might say that a woman is depriving a baby of the chance of life which leads on to the argument of ‘ when is a foetus human ? ’ etc …
9 At the beginning we are confronted by a huge battle which leads on to the deaths of loyal knights .
10 As he went up behind her , step by step , eyes fixed on the sensuous movements of her dark young limbs , he half noticed the seemingly inordinate number of doors which opened on to the landings and he could not avoid picking up the predominating odour of curry .
11 A dull portrait in oils hung in the dining-room which opened on to the drawing-room .
12 Now , a somewhat scratchy and hissing Turandot , playing from the small , lit sitting-room which opened on to the terrace , added a mixture of Italian and oriental excitement to the occasion .
13 When the meal was ready Ianthe ate it in the dining room , which opened on to the garden now piled with drifts of sycamore leaves .
14 Ophiolimna bairdi can easily be distinguished from O. lineata by a number of features : the disk is covered with granules , not spinelets ; which extend on to the oral frame ; the oral shield is a large triangle and the oral papillae have a different shape and arrangement ( see p. 60 )
15 The disk is round covered with a dense coating of low hemispherical granules which extend on to the ventral interradial area ; disk diameter is 4 mm .
16 From Dr Jaffery 's rooftop you could look out , past the anonymous walls which face on to the Old Delhi lanes , and see into the shady courtyards and the gardens which form the real heart of the Old City .
17 The performance revolves round rows of hissingly-hot pressure cookers , which are brought to the point of pressure ; suspended above them are boxes of ice , with nails and bits and pieces , which drop on to the pressure cooker lids as the ice melts .
18 Unlike a bus , its wheels are guarded by lifeguard trays which drop on to the rail when the hinged gates under the front of the tram are swung back upon impact .
19 A woman living in Melsonby Crescent , which backs on to the plant , told Darlington council 's planning applications committee she would no longer put up with the ‘ disgraceful conditions ’ .
20 It consists of a grater and a citrus press which clip on to the rim of a 1-litre measuring jug , plus a 2-litre bowl and stand ( not shown ) .
21 You should certainly cross the border ( remember the passports ) for a taste of the Vorarlberg , and particularly of Bregenz , squeezed into that tiny corner of Austria which intrudes on to the Bodensee between Switzerland and Germany .
22 Whether the attention it received was due to its classic looks or the fast drying coating of mud which reached on to the roof was difficult to judge , though I suspect , it was the butch overcoat which caught so many eyes .
23 As he left the house Huy glanced around the square , and along the streets that led from it ; but there was no movement at any of the few windows which looked on to the street , and the handful of people about were all familiar to him .
24 Once inside , they found themselves facing a glass door , which gave on to the college garden .
25 He led the way swiftly and quietly to the exit which gave on to the quadrangle .
26 All around him , squatting on the ground , were his followers ; and beyond them , around the outskirts and blocking up the mouths of the little streets which gave on to the square , was a wider , more disinterested audience .
27 When the pain receded , he shaded the torch with his hand and switched it on : the rusting fragments of a disembowelled car were strewn in the bushes ; he had barked his legs on the side of a door which protruded on to the path .
28 Of more use us the rounded front handle , which twists on to the neck of the body , just aft of the chuck , and serves to hold the depth stop .
29 The oral area is covered with skin , often with small granules , which extends on to the ventral surface of the arms .
30 They followed the track which ran on to the road .
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