Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] me is that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ However , what upsets me is that I have heard unconfirmed rumours that some of the riders were threatening to pull out if I were put in the third row of the grid as was at first planned .
2 What impresses me is that when the causes of this ancient conflict have been forgotten , except by those who have made a study of it , this monument remains , crudely chiselled and doubtless seldom visited , testament to three modest souls who died for what they believed in and who are otherwise lost to history .
3 What astonishes me is that the whole subject of injury from radiation seems to have been treated at the time with a casualness that approaches imbecility .
4 The Americans tried to do it in Panama , what disgusts me is that these are the pictures that sold , the ones done when there was no more opposition .
5 What angers me is that they were on a government controlled game reserve and planned it carefully .
6 What amazes me is that , in spite of the horrific nature of what I have seen , I feel neither repulsion nor revulsion .
7 What worries me is that they may break down the wall scrambling over it .
8 But what worries me is that , since middle age has been put to fright , will old age descend overnight like a sudden frost on the dew ? ’
9 What worries me is that it is not going to end there .
10 I 'm no expert , but what worries me is that , when you 're dealing with madmen , they increase their demands at the slightest sign of weakness . ’
11 What concerns me is that a group of clubs had clandestine meetings .
12 What concerns me is that , in effect , the Minister is saying that all campaigns are condemned before they begin .
13 What concerns me is that the vast majority are not coming to enjoy the Park but are using the roads as convenient thoroughfares .
14 Gravedigger Jose Molina said : ‘ What scares me is that I think I 'll be her first victim . ’
15 What surprises me is that you 're aware of it .
16 What surprises me is that he said it in public . ’
17 What bothers me is that I 'm not convinced he has done enough .
18 What annoys me is that I know I saw the damn thing not too long ago !
19 What mystifies me is that any woman could be attracted to you at all .
20 At Oxford Crown Court today Judge Harold Wilson said : ’ What troubles me is that there is no reason why police should n't have become involved in this in 1990 .
21 What pains me is that you took the opportunity when I was sick unto death to steal Prince Edward 's heart from me , ’ she said to Joan , having informed her of the plan .
22 to think this report would be about revolution and erm I mean what strikes me is that there 's a real debate going on between
23 What amuses me is that many of those who claimed I would hang , died violent deaths themselves in some pot-holed alleyway , bleak battlefield or gory execution yard .
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