Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] me [adv] is " in BNC.

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1 But what worries me more is the process of secularisation .
2 ’ This creates a much stronger argument , but what interests me here is Chisholm 's reason for holding that ( b ) does not follow from ( a ) .
3 But what gets me most is when somebody dies who has n't really lived .
4 WHAT surprises me now is not that my generation had so little sex in the 1950s , but that , given the circumstances , we had any at all ’ — Sir Peter Hall .
5 What bothers me ultimately is not the tempos in themselves , but the sense that the driving force resides exclusively within the music .
6 What beckons me forward is a faith in God 's Hand in history , the conviction that He means these lands to speak to the world with an answer , and the decision to support in any way I can those — black , brown and white — in whose lives I see God 's power working .
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