Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [det] [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 MacCulloch ( 1819 ) , and later , Murchison and Geikie ( 1861 ) , provided the first accounts of the geology of Lewis and Harris and the other islands which constitute the north east-south west chain of islands called the Outer Hebrides , which lies some 70 km west of the northern Scottish mainland .
2 Examples of this type are the Rhine Rift in the foreland zone of the Alps , and the Baikal Rift System which lies some 3000 km to the north of the Himalayas ( see Section ) .
3 For example , it abolished the earnings rule which inhibited some retired people from working because their state pension was affected if they earned over £75 a week .
4 In general terms , the States which benefit fewest poor people also pay them least , as Figure 5.6 indicates .
5 Apparently signalling a drop in tensions in the republic , however , the Moldavian Popular Front was authorized to hold a pre-election rally in Kishinev on Feb. 11 which attracted some 50,000 people [ elections on Feb. 25 to the Moldavian Supreme Soviet and local soviets will be covered in a forthcoming article ] .
6 Both of these eels belong to the family Mastacembelidae , which includes some 50 species .
7 The 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens , Washington , U S A , led to a lahar which flowed some 27 km down the valley of the Toutle River and filled the valley bottom to a depth of 60 m .
8 This contradicted the underlying intentions of the legislation which sees all young people as needing pedagogical support irrespective of their social condition .
9 Alan Walker argues that the social security policies have played a central role in puffing people on the margins of society , forcing them into retirement and then providing them with a pension which reduces many older people to economic dependency and even poverty .
10 The report " positively determined " that the crash which killed all 259 people on board Pan Am flight PA103 ( and 11 local residents in the Scottish town of Lockerbie ) , had resulted from an explosion within a luggage container triggered by a device fitted to a radio-cassette player .
11 Deforestation was the chief cause of floods and landslides which killed several hundred people each year ; 15,000 million tonnes of earth were being washed into Asian rivers each year and villages were lacking clean drinking water .
12 ‘ Other health authorities are now looking to replicate this innovative scheme which helps many older people and prevents them having to be admitted to full time care . ’
13 This usually involves , for a start , a very extensive survey which asks several thousand people about their attitudes to a variety of aspects of how they run their lives and about their purchasing habits .
14 But the funny thing which strikes many young people is that they are being made scapegoats , then it is certainly not because they 've had it so good .
15 instating ticket concessions which reflect many Disabled people 's lower incomes
16 It is specific conditions like these , and others such as arthritis , diabetes , blindness or deafness , which lead some older people to need extra help .
17 She has a lot of fun with Vogue 's heartless frivolity , Paul Theroux ( ‘ I 'd suggest a vasectomy ’ ) and the Surrealists ( ‘ What did these young people do with themselves when they were not engaged in the revolutionary act of sleep ? ’ ) .
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