Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If you produce a lovely little item which fits perfectly on a particular radio programme , or newspaper , and that happens to be the week that it 's the county show , or an earthquake , or something like that , there 's no way you 're going to get it in , because there 's too much competition , and the next week it 's dead .
2 She stared in horror at the whitened , frozen cadavers which lay there under a tattered , canvas sheet .
3 The Greek version of Isaiah 7 uses a word which refers specifically to a virgin , whereas the underlying Hebrew simply denotes a young girl .
4 When interrogated by the FBI in his British jail , Fuchs identified photographs of one of his contacts , Harry Gold , who named a trail of others which led eventually to an obscure machine-shop manager of Russian parentage , Julius Rosenberg , and his wife Ethel .
5 Penry carried her carefully down a staircase which led straight into a large sitting-room .
6 In this perspective , it was industrialization and urbanization which triggered those processes and which led ultimately to a weakening of family ties , and especially ties with kin outside the so-called ‘ conjugal family ’ composed of a couple and their immature children ( Morgan , 1975 , ch. 2 ; Harris , 1983 , chs. 6–8 ) .
7 It was the beginning of our curiosity about each other which led ultimately to a mutual understanding and respect upon which our friendship became firmly based .
8 Good humour helped to see Victor through his prolonged ill health , caused by a lung complaint which led ultimately to a transplant operation from which he did not recover .
9 The prospect of losing the traditional source of their wealth and authority induced among many noblemen a reappraisal of their role which amounted almost to a crisis of identity .
10 On 30 March , however , an exceptionally violent explosion occurred , blowing off the top 200 metres of the volcano , and propagating a dense eruption cloud which expanded upwards at a speed estimated to be something like 500 metres per second , finally reaching a height of thirty-eight kilometres .
11 Gray was also one of the twenty nurserymen in the Society of Gardeners led by Philip Miller [ q.v. ] , which met frequently in an attempt to standardize the names of the plants they were growing .
12 From February 1973 , all Stags were sold with both hood ( which stows neatly in a lidded well behind the back seats ) and hardtop ( which required two pairs of strong arms to manipulate ) .
13 The design aim at the beginning of this project was to have a power supply adjustable over a range of about 5V to 15V which regulated well with a maximum current output of about 5A .
14 The transformation is made up of spiritual , intellectual and emotional elements which grow together into an autonomous state of mind : Sooner or later this attitude of autonomy expresses itself in doubt .
15 Take the flipping , a particular or token event which occurred only in a particular place at a particular time , to be f , and the starting to be 5 .
16 The element in a construction which interacts directly with an element or elements outside the construction may be called the semantic head of the construction .
17 Classifications of most landforms are in a sense unsatisfactory , because there is usually an infinite variety of forms , some of which fit well into a classification and others only with extreme difficulty .
18 Factors which correlate positively with a strong search for power are :
19 His chronic disease , which erupted periodically like a benign volcano , was his insurance policy .
20 As a simple example , at the level of concept formation , one might envisage a child encountering an object which looks rather like a table , though slightly different from any tables previously noted .
21 Dave also played the old fashioned curved soprano sax , which looks almost like a toy instrument but it sounded clear and forceful in his hands .
22 On the wall of the Centre is a huge golden sculpture which looks faintly like an Inca mask .
23 Sherman and Buzzie B. climb into a totally white BMW which looks more like a modern bathroom cabinet than a car .
24 His reserve trundlers — usually in the mediocre medium-pace category and fully aware of the aggressive intentions of the batsmen — try to keep the ball on a full length and in ‘ the channel ’ which lies approximately in a straight line between the stumps .
25 The most characteristic of these motives is the hatched maeander or key-pattern , which occurs constantly in a great variety of simple or complex forms .
26 Since the infra-red reflectance is strongly linked to the presence of water it was thought possible that unfiltered readings might not show the same decline — since to the eye at least the area does not decline until the onset of withering , which occurs only at a much later stage .
27 Waves which break vigorously on a steep beach .
28 This route would have been wishful thinking to the classical organic chemist hut the reaction proceeds readily in the presence of rhodium , one of the rarest metals , and of iodine , which act together as a catalyst system .
29 The authors conclude that it is more likely that many other factors should also be included in the analysis such as motivation , nicotine dependence , personality type , self-efficacy , therapeutic support , etc , which act together in a complex way and would substantially increase the explained variance of smoking cessation .
30 The analogy is with instinctive mystery — an arcane communing which erupts suddenly at a mutually understood signal , like an entire species of bird becoming aware that it is time to mate .
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