Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This unprincipled position was sharply attacked by the Irish News , the nationalist newspaper which has been standard reading for the Catholic community in the North for the best part of a century .
2 As noted , eurobond firms are seeking to reform issuance procedures in a bid to reduce the current pressures on profitability , one underlying cause of which has been excess capacity .
3 The light over No. 6 which has been burning night and day for 2 months , now operates as it should — from dusk to dawn .
4 , Scientists at the Dutch Central Veterinary Institute claim to have isolated the cause of the Mystery Reproductive Syndrome ( MRS ) disease which has been sweeping pig herds across much of western Europe over the past few months , leading to the loss of up to 10 per cent of offspring in some herds .
5 Since that time there has been an uneasy peace in the world the price of which has been constant vigilance and in keeping that peace our two countries have continued together as the witness of young American Airforce men currently stationed in this country .
6 The sort of scholarship which predominated was textual scholarship , as exemplified by Percy Simpson 's monumental edition of Ben Jonson .
7 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
8 Tax and bill collectors faced more practical confusion , not only with a ‘ re-timed ’ calendar but because it had also been decided to start the legal year on January 1 instead of March 25 , which had been New Year 's Day since the twelfth century .
9 Even as she said it she recalled the growing doubts and disgust which had been another spur driving her to accept Clive 's invitation .
10 The plate from which he had eaten his hamburgers and frozen green beans , which had been last night 's supper , still unrinsed in the sink ; the splatter of grease marks above the ancient gas stove ; the viscous mess of grime gumming the narrow gap between stove and cupboard ; the soiled and smelly teacloth hanging from its hook at the side of the sink ; last year 's calendar askew on its nail ; the two open shelves jammed with a conglomeration of half-used cereal packets , jars of stale jam , cracked mugs , packets of detergent ; the cheap , unstable table with its two chairs , their backs grubby from numerous clutching hands ; the linoleum curving at the wall where it had become unstuck ; the general air of discomfort , uncaring , negligence , dirt .
11 The result — a rather higher rate of completion of power stations and higher spending four or five years later in the mid-1950s — was welcomed by the Electricity Division , but it annoyed the Treasury and caused political embarrassment for the Government ( which had been promising restraint in the public sector ) .
12 Most of these developments have bypassed the work of the established Rape Crisis Lines , which have been developing expertise in the counselling of women who have suffered sexual assault .
13 off Tottenham Court Road , west London , one of ‘ the numerous streets which have been devoted time out of mind to professional people , dispensaries and boarding-houses ’ .
14 The Minister can not fail to acknowledge what has been common knowledge in the combined heat and power industry — that the major block is electricity prices .
15 What matters is that art — however you choose to define it — is still considered something worth bothering about . ’
16 For present purposes what matters is that legislation made in pursuance of powers delegated to Ministers of the Crown is a form of ‘ statutory instrument ’ .
17 For our purposes what matters is that RNA , or something like it , was around for a long time before it became self-replicating .
18 What results is high volume business which carries low profit margins .
19 Er , yes , what happens is that venture capital , you 'll see that
20 What happens is that possession is changing hands more often .
21 Basically what happens is that lava and other material is ejected from a hole in the ground , or crater , which is fed by a single pipe-like supply channel extending deep down below ground .
22 With Eärendil , what happened is that Tolkien was initially struck by several lines from an Old English poem in the Exeter Book , now known as Christ I or The Advent Lyrics :
23 As far as they were concerned , what happened was that wage bargaining was no longer restrained by the social and political forces that hitherto limited rises to figures that would not disrupt the economy .
24 So what happened was quick sketch that 's the kitchen , that 's the cooker .
25 It was of little concern to Dan that much of the weathering may have been caused by industrial pollution — what mattered was that science had found an answer .
26 By what means is that acceptance secured ?
27 What follows is general advice applicable to either group on finding information about job and training opportunities , and on responding to local recruitment drives .
28 The salvation and solace for this state of mind is art , which converts thoughts of loathing into ideas it is possible to live with : horror is tamed and made sublime , while what had been disgusting absurdity becomes comic .
29 It is well known that this canal always had water shortages , even before modern water extraction diverted part of its natural supply at Greywell , and thousands of thirsty trees grew up on its banks on what had been open country in 1790 .
30 Eastern winds have brought what had been fair sport back to a normal level for the time of year .
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