Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The book is filled with the outlines of toads , bats and squirrels which did not move quickly enough out of the way of oncoming traffic .
2 Secondly , it must be remembered what would happen in any banking institution should depositors start withdrawing funds which did not end up being re-deposited within the system .
3 In contrast , GP+envAm12-BabePuro cells infected with Psi2-DCNeo virus gave no signal when analysed by PCR for the env fusion gene and expressed virus which did not bind specifically to NIP.BSA .
4 The map showed the kind of town which did not exist anywhere in the empire .
5 Fear in the North of environmental degradation provides the South with the leverage which did not exist before " .
6 The paintwork , a dark brown , was peeling and the walls , unusually , had been hurriedly and superficially covered with an ugly beige paper which did not cling properly to the plaster .
7 Many drugs have had to be withdrawn because of the ill-effects in humans which did not show up in animal tests .
8 Alice bought a hot water bottle from a retailer which did not give off any heat .
9 A large stone can provide a technical problem particular if hard ; in patient XIII the lithotrite cored a hole in a 28 mm stone , which did not break up and required subsequent cholecystoscopy and contact lithotripsy followed by a second rotary lithotripsy procedure .
10 Because of this the investigators subsequently carried out a larger trial ( in 86 babies ) , which did not confirm either the reduction in haemorrhage or the increase in mortality .
11 Women had relationships with relatives which were close in terms of the frequency of contact , but which did not form the basis of a confiding relationship ; similarly , they had relationships in which there was quite a high degree of practical inter-dependence which did not function as very close in the confiding sense .
12 Whilst individuals in the company privately admit to knowing little about ‘ race and racism ’ , a major research contract which did not go out to open tender is safely located in an institution which can only with a degree of implausibility don the cloak of academic neutrality .
13 Some dubbed it a cosmetic exercise which did not go far enough and said too many concessions had already been made to industry .
14 They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils and beans and yogurt ; they drank a little beer , making it spin out ; they shared book-buying ; they were both entirely confined to their grants , which did not go far in London , and could not be supplemented with holiday earnings , for these had vanished with the oil crisis .
15 Greater emphasis was placed on urban than on rural events , a practice which did not alter substantially , even though that audience became increasingly rural and uneducated .
16 In addition to the two avant-garde poles represented for him by Schoenberg and Stravinsky , he has a minor category consisting of music that makes use of materials ‘ which fell by the wayside … waste products and blind spots … all that which did not fit properly into the laws of historical movement ’ ; the ‘ anachronistic quality ’ of this material ‘ is not wholly obsolete since it has outwitted the historical dynamic ’ .
17 Others who are familiar with intimate details of the case , such as Peter Hill , producer of two BBC Rough Justice programmes on the case in the mid-Eighties , believe Beattie is the victim of suppressed forensic reports which did not fit in with the police view , particularly that of the man leading the investigation , Chief Supt William Muncie .
18 He also played a part in developing in England , even before the full force of the new historical criticism of the Bible had been felt there , an understanding of the authority of the Bible which did not rest simply on regarding it as the inspired and inerrant compendium from which the truths about God could be read off in literal and rationalist fashion .
19 Then came the arrest , and the trial , which did not last very long .
20 Further distortions arise from Beazer Homes , Hanson 's last big UK acquisition , which did not contribute fully in the results for the three months to end-December 1991 .
21 The main reason for this was pointed out in Chapter I ( : the beneficiary of a trust had a relationship with the property under trust , but it was one which did not fall neatly into a civil-law category .
22 The mean ( SEM ) age of the control group was 64.7 ( 2.2 ) years ( men 61.2 ( 3.4 ) years , women : 65.8 ( 3.2 ) years ) , which did not differ significantly from the coleractal cancer group .
23 Any public which did not rise up in protest at the expense and ugliness of the Ministry of War edifice is corrupt . ’
24 There was no response to a remark like that which did not sound either conceited or simpering , or both .
25 The assembly will note that we propose to drop the commentary which did not prove as useful as we had hoped it might .
26 I had with me only the name of David 's hotel which was the Intourist , which was right in the middle of town , and my Russian phrase book , which was full of phrases like , ‘ I think my leg is broken , can you stop the bleeding ? ’ which did not prove very helpful .
27 Lillee bowled another bouncer which did not get up as much as Fletch anticipated and it hit him straight on the head as he took his eye off the ball .
28 Two honest critics can be given as exceptions , the first a Japanese who recorded a negative reaction to a picture which did not come up to his standards of meaningful symbolism .
29 She is a fine singer in her usual idioms , but her inclusion here was a bold experiment which did not come off .
30 After a letter of protest from the Corporation , the buses were transferred to Twickenham Garage to work on routes which did not come anywhere near Croydon .
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