Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] she had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We were on holiday in the Aegean when I was getting better from this talking thing and she was reading Crime and Punishment , and I used to watch her toes and wonder which part she had got to .
2 Prior to her appointment she was a member of the UN Human Rights Commission , in which connection she had investigated human rights abuses in Myanma .
3 This she did , at which stage she had managed to go without drinking , but had not yet been to see her solicitor .
4 In 1794 she published her Collection of Poems and Fables , by which time she had suffered a number of domestic calamities , including the death of a child and apparently the imprisonment of her husband .
5 I called several hours later , by which time she had calmed down a little , but was smoking one cigarette after another .
6 Every one of the European allies by whose side she had fought against Nazi Germany for the previous two years was now defeated and occupied .
7 She had told Tilly the whole story , about the man she adored , and whose child she had brought into the world .
8 Margery had a particular devotion to this saint , whose Revelations she had heard read aloud in an English translation .
9 ‘ I knew for certain when you showed me that photograph , and I realised it was Gaston , not Fabien whose picture she had kept all those years .
10 She congratulated me , then enquired after Masha , whose absence she had noticed at dinner .
11 The due processes having been gone through , there was nothing to prevent Hilda Machin being buried according to the rites of the Christian church whose doings she had cared remarkably little about during her lifetime .
12 Or was it because it was Finn who kissed her and not a man like the men in whose arms she had imagined herself when she used to imagine things like that , in the past ?
13 Cleo could perhaps use one of her old contacts in the city , one of the young men whose ardour she had inflamed .
14 Her prodigious roarings and weepings would be licensed in her mind by the examples of St Mary of Oignies ( whose book she had heard in an English translation ) , St Bonaventure , St Elizabeth of Hungary and an unnamed priest she had heard of who wept ‘ so wonderfully that he wetted his vestment ’ .
15 Topaz stamped her foot , beside herself with fury as she tried to defend the dead woman whose legacy she had to bear .
16 Madge was attended by six little Burmese bridesmaids , who as soon as she arrived started off up the long aisle , and she followed with the kind friend at whose house she had spent the previous two nights and who ‘ gave her away ’ .
17 She had undertaken to contact him by the end of next week to report what progress she had made and he did not doubt she would do so , for she was a woman of her word .
18 If she had been a religious person she would have put it down to retribution for her sins , but she had lost whatever faith she had had in her years as the Madam of Dublin 's most fashionable brothel .
19 Heaven knew what harm she had done .
20 What pity she had possessed for others had been diffuse and impersonal , for women as a mass rather than for individual women such as poor , defeated Poll whom she saw daily , the marks of Jem 's fists on her face .
21 Mona had recovered from whatever embarrassment she had felt at the Eliot knife becoming common knowledge , and said crisply : ‘ I ca n't believe that 's true about Pascoe , Alex . ’
22 The stark desire in his face threatened to take what strength she had left , nor did he make any attempt to hide the blatant response of his body to that consuming , passionate kiss , continuing to hold her so tightly that she could feel him with every part of her being , could still taste him inside her mouth .
23 He began to realize , too , what hardship she had suffered rather than ask his family for money .
24 In the long silence that followed , Katherine looked at her son closely , realizing — for the first time — that whatever chances she had had of keeping him , had just disappeared .
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