Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] is [v-ing] is " in BNC.

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1 The hypothetical experiment which Keynes is undertaking is an examination of the consequences of a fall in the real wage rate brought about through a rise in the general price level , P ( what he refers to as ‘ the price of wage-goods ’ ) in relation to the money wage , W. The initial real wage rate is and the corresponding ‘ existing volume of employment ’ is 4 , .
2 And I believe the meeting of the Humanist Society which Cornish is chairing is n't until next Tuesday . ’
3 What Ryedale is seeking is not a figure for its sector within the Greater York area , and the same with the other districts , but rather a figure for the Greater York area as a whole , and then a figure for the remainder of those parts of the districts outside the Greater York area , so you do n't get a situation with my colleagues on the left where you are in the structure plan dictating the number of houses that should be allocated in , for example , two parishes .
4 I hope that people will realise that what Labour is saying is inaccurate .
5 what Labour is saying is that the reason why there 's low employ high employment is because er where , they 're trying to cut inflation which is , one of the side ways of cutting inflation is that interest rates go up and , but the thing is that which then leads to unem unemployment , but the thing is you ca n't have a decent the , full growing economies , its full capacity if you 've got high inflation all the time knackering you up
6 I , I think what Richard , what Richard is suggesting is the very sensible way forward in the longer term , whether it makes sense right at this instant is , is another matter .
7 I have tried to suggest that what Lévi-Strauss is doing is a form of discourse analysis that both attempts to articulate the rules governing the formation of the type of discourse and interpret the ‘ meanings ’ of utterances within the particular discourse .
8 In these two examples , we are reminded that what cloze is measuring is the predictability , or more accurately , the redundancy within a passage , and this may or may not be closely related to its comprehensibility .
9 What Jesus is saying is that there is no need for marriage at the resurrection .
10 What Go what Jesus is saying is do n't cut God out .
11 What Jesus is saying is , you do n't have to be afraid of death any more .
12 What McDowell is challenging is the notion thus unanimously upheld that the belief-expressive feature of assertions is essential to our understanding of the extra-linguistic purpose of statements of a natural language :
13 What Ishida is demonstrating is the ability to market a plane for commercial travel , where the major market exists , while the American aerospace and defence industry is still pleading for funds to develop the Osprey as an assault and/or anti-submarine helicopter replacement .
14 And what Mao is saying is quotes such talk may sound plausible but in fact it 's wrong .
15 So , bu bu but what Mao is saying is , is something fundamentally different
16 so they were n't actually , what Mao is saying is exploitation is not actually exploitation it 's just the landlor landlords working in an economic way .
17 An and he 's taking up what might , we might want to or , or what could be portrayed as restorationist as being revolutionary where I , I 'm not sure that it fully was a revolution er a and I you see what Mao is saying is that there would have been a class basis for all of this , they were doing it as a class of peasant , they might not have been , they might have been doing it just for restorationist purposes .
18 What is appropriate is first to desire to love your local church ; second , get alone with God and see what he wants to say to the church ; third , to begin to express this in your housegroup : ‘ I feel what God is saying is … . ’
19 What Bush is proposing is risky .
20 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
21 What Sinclair is saying is that type descriptions of language knowledge based on intuitive impression and not grounded in actually attested data do not provide an adequate source of reference for language teaching .
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