Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [pers pn] has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In which case it has to find a way of lowering expectations of the public good , limiting damage by the pursuit of private interest , building a different notion of good citizenship and public virtue out of that private interest .
2 The money raised by the medieval trustees responsible for the upkeep of the bridge was surplus to requirements , and enabled the bridge to become a landowner , in which capacity it has helped the poor of the town and built and maintained the old grammar school .
3 ‘ I do n't know in which way he has handled it but I know he wo n't be feeling the pressure at all . ’
4 This keeps him happy until it is time to go to the nursery by which time she has cleared up the mess .
5 Mrs Bason has issued all the tickets from her station during the past 25 years , during which time she has had no assistance whatever .
6 Ronnie 's design career spans 22 years , during which time he has worked with well known companies such as Templeton , Stoddard , Brintons and Mercia Weavers .
7 For example , assume that a child is a rehabilitated person within the meaning of the Act : in other words , he has been subject to a supervision requirement and that requirement has been terminated or a year has elapsed since the date of the hearing that imposed the supervision requirement , whichever is the longer , and he has committed no further offences during the rehabilitation period ; or he has appeared before a children 's hearing which has decided not to impose a supervision requirement on him and six months has elapsed during which time he has committed no further offences .
8 Following toasts to the University , to Convocation and to our Guests , Mr Orme rounded off the evening by regaling us with some reminiscences of his early days in Parliament , where he has served for Salford West from 1964–1983 and Salford East since 1983 during which time he has held several posts in Government and on the Opposition front bench , and going on to more recent experiences whilst visiting Eastern Europe as the moves towards democracy gathered strength .
9 Mr Shipton ends his article on a slightly sceptical note , asking whether the three parties whose views he has canvassed will actually translate their environmental concerns into reality after April 9 .
10 On his second voyage he sees the valley of the Diamonds ( CS 1 ; PFI 10 ) , and is carried through the air by a roc , a gigantic bird to whose feet he has tied himself while it is sleeping ( CS 15 ; PFI 10 ) .
11 He is also receiving death threats from a screenwriter whose work he has snubbed .
12 It seemed odd that he should feel ill at ease among the people whose vernacular he has espoused so wholeheartedly .
13 However Medved makes no mention of The Night of the Hunter , the classic and chilling 1955 film in which Mitchum plays … a deranged Christian fundamentalist , on the trail of two children whose mother he has murdered .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what discussions he has held recently with Ministers in European Community countries about immigration and nationality questions .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what discussions he has had with the Confederation of British Industry to discuss Government support for industry .
16 To ask the Attorney-General what discussions he has had with the chairmen of the Bar Council and the Law Society concerning the impact on the effective operation of the legal system of the quality of recruitment to the legal professions .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with Overseas Development Ministers of OECD countries on aid matters over the last month .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had in Kenya with President Moi on Her Majesty 's Government 's policy on good government .
19 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food what discussions he has had with the EC regarding the use of veal crates ; and if he will make a statement .
20 To ask the Minister for the Arts what discussions he has had with London arts organisations about provision of arts facilities and entertainments for children ; and if he will make a statement .
21 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what discussions he has had with employers regarding child care .
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what discussions he has had with the chairman of the North London TEC to discuss the contributions of trade unions to training .
23 Both the other candidates have been feverishly trying to assess what damage he has caused them .
24 Will he tell the House what support he has had for his additional measure , the Aggravated Vehicle-Taking Bill , which will surely go a long way towards stopping the theft of motor vehicles ?
25 He points to the three British works in the recording project to demonstrate what variety it has to offer — the ‘ hard black-and-white ’ sound of the Birtwistle , the comparitively florid ‘ flute or clarinet-like writing ’ in the Maxwell Davies Concerto , the ‘ very expansive ’ trumpet part in the Blake Watkins , which is a ‘ wonderfully lyrical work without being sweet or silly in any way . ’
26 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what response he has received from organisations concerned with the countryside about his ideas for extra motorway service areas .
27 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what response he has made to the complaints he has received about measurements relating to the head of a pint of beer in the current year .
28 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food what response he has had to his recent policy document ’ Our Farming Future ’ .
29 I do n't know what experience he has had to justify his claim that corporal punishment is no deterrent .
30 I wonder what the good doctor and his housekeeper make of her — and what story she has concocted to explain her presence there ?
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