Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [pers pn] had made " in BNC.

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1 Bob went on from there , season in , season out , to the end of 1931–32 , by which time he had made 293 League appearances for Crystal Palace ( a club record at the time , but of course they did not make much of such things in those days ) and even today , almost 60 years later , there are fewer than only half a dozen Palace men who have played more times for us than that .
2 For some reason the ‘ Poet-Public-Faith ’ article did not get used ; but meanwhile Collingwood , whose acquaintance I had made , had received the advancement he amply deserved , and I wanted to write in The Criterion about his first lecture as Professor .
3 She had undertaken to contact him by the end of next week to report what progress she had made and he did not doubt she would do so , for she was a woman of her word .
4 Chairperson Pennie Pennie asked what difference it had made having anti-racist , equal opportunity policies in SSDs .
5 She did not ask herself then under what compulsion he had made his plots or constructed his worlds ; she accepted them as one accepts fairy tales in childhood .
6 And what impact it had made was soon dissipated when it was realized that the ‘ total ’ war was still only partial after all , and that the well-to-do and high-and-mighty were still able to avoid the burdens which fell on ordinary people .
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