Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [modal v] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I hope the discussion has this value : it addresses the question of intervention to further social objectives within the system of commodity-producing enterprises and , rather than positing nationalisation as panacea ( a theme with a pronounced minority appeal ) , it identifies certain cases in which nationalisation could be argued as necessary to further social objectives as well as cases in which nationalisation might be of no obvious advantage .
2 But if he was a useful companion for Hayward , there were also ways in which Hayward could be of benefit to him .
3 The transplant process takes six weeks overall during which Rhys will be under the care of the specialist bone marrow team , led by Dr Tony Oakhill .
4 The current year 's plans involve expenditure within the group of £70million , excluding acquisitions of which £43million will be on hotels and £6million on care homes .
5 It is possible to predict therefore , given the funding pressures of the late 1980 's and early 1990's , that the numbers of successful graduates in the field will start to level off under the influence of market forces , until the next major theoretical advance , or the next rise in the value of those resources which geologists can be of assistance in exploiting .
6 It is possible to predict therefore , given the funding pressures of the late 1980 's and early 1990's , that the numbers of successful graduates in the field will start to level off under the influence of market forces , until the next major theoretical advance , or the next rise in the value of those resources which geologists can be of assistance in exploiting .
7 A relaxing thought for investors is the fact that no matter which government will be in power no major economic changes are likely .
8 There are two stations within ten minutes drive from which travellers may be in London in under an hour .
9 I am suggesting that within the one is the other — in some respects a Chinese Box would have provided a better diagram than a polarisation continuum , although it would have been difficult to decide which box should be on the outside .
10 The similarities between things called by the same name are indefinite and fluctuating ; one tries to pin terms down by definition , so that they can be used for strict inference , but Wittgenstein showed that in the vocabulary of natural languages the similarities are ‘ family resemblances ’ , by which A may be like B in one respect and B like C in another , but A like C in neither , so that it is useless to look for common characteristics by which to define the word which names them all .
11 There will be a number of such opportunities , whether they be among the commandos or the Marine commandos , or in the SAS , the new Royal Engineers Regiment — whose headquarters will be in Scotland — or the new Scottish Yeomanry Regiment which is to be set up .
12 The elected finance ministers of the different countries must become the effective political counterpart to the central bank whose headquarters should be in Britain .
13 In the view of the Director of the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education , there is an iron curtain separating public sector higher education in Wales from the University of Wales whose existence must be to the detriment of the young people of Wales .
14 More senior posts were employed as tools of patronage at a higher level , for they might be the object of the ambition of a substantial freeholder with his own political interest , whose support might be of value to the Administration directly .
15 A third alternative , proposed by Demsetz ( 1968 ) , is for the rights to supply to be auctioned off to bidders whose bids would be in the form of a contract to supply at a given price ( rather like bids for the construction of a motorway ) .
16 Furthermore , the Schengen Treaty indicates matters on which the signatory states are to take common initiatives at the Community level , such as VAT harmonization , and it requires the development of common policies by its participants in areas such as visas for citizens of non-Member States of the EC — a matter which would be brought expressly into Community competence by the Maastricht Treaty under Article 100c , providing that ‘ the Council , acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament , shall determine the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of a visa when crossing the external borders of the Member States ’ .
17 The crew would in turn be commanded by an unusually large number of officers for a merchant ship , for , in addition to the commander , the ship might carry six mates , a surgeon , a purser , five midshipmen and a surgeon 's mate , any one of whose places would be of value to a politician seeking to build up an interest .
18 Such a change would entail the creation of a clearing house , presumably in Brussels , whose job would be to reapportion VAT receipts to ensure that revenue is accrued as now in the country of consumption rather than production .
19 Jasminder predicts that British companies will soon be employing people whose job will be to ‘ hold the vision ’ for that business .
20 The General Board shall have power to accept or refuse the application and , if it accepts it , to determine , in consultation with the professor concerned , the number of students whose names may be on the register at any one time and the method of their selection .
21 Nevertheless the Cuk converter topology seems likely to remain an outsider until a true trade-off comparison can be made between Cuk and Buck at a series of realistic equivalent performance levels , a task that would take a lot of time , but whose results would be of great interest to many in the power supply design field .
22 If an incident takes place in a local GP 's surgery , you should complain to the local Family Practitioner Committee , whose number will be in the Yellow Pages .
23 Labour will establish a separate Department of State for International Development , whose Minister will be in the Cabinet .
24 The closing declaration included joint commitments ( i ) to create an Andean Presidential Council whose task would be to further promote the political and economic integration of member countries ; ( ii ) to formulate a common position on future foreign debt negotiations to be presented to the forthcoming Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) ministerial meeting [ see p. 37018 for June 1989 meeting ] ; and ( iii ) to propose a permanent consultative system to press for the full implementation of the February 1990 Cartagena summit 's agreements and measures against illegal drug production and trafficking [ see pp. 37243-44 ] .
25 This year 's chairman of the Pimlico Connection , Giancarlo Marcheselli , was curious to know what teaching would be like , and thought it would be a way of doing something useful to complement the years as a student ‘ where everything you do is for yourself ’ .
26 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the periods shown if the annual rate of inflation over the period is as shown :
27 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the periods shown , if the annual rate of inflation over the period is as shown .
28 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the periods shown , if the annual rate of inflation over the period is as shown .
29 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the years shown if the yearly rate of inflation over the period is as shown :
30 And I said yes , I said you know what Sue can be like , you 've been with her for twelve months and you 're daft enough
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