Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [be] think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Agility , speed , muscular power , sharpness of reflex , accuracy of judgment , these I presume to be some of the attributes with which blacks are thought to be born .
2 Thus the observer looking for evidence of ‘ knowledge , skills , or expertise ’ in the activities of the specialist team might see it in their tendency , relative to the generic team , to visit more and to recommend and provide a wider range of services ; to make fewer offers of service that are refused ; and to encounter fewer occasions on which re-assessment is thought to be necessary .
3 The extent to which children are thought about while housework is done is not only a reflection on housework 's fragmented quality ; it also signifies the basic difficulties which inhere in the combination of housewife and mother roles .
4 In the end Seth killed Apophis , whose blood was thought to be seen in the red or pink tint of the morning and evening sky .
5 SCO , whose revenues are thought to be double USL 's and whose board reportedly wants to cash out , makes no secret of the fact that it has been contemplating its own initial public offering ( IPO ) for some time .
6 If the Mother Superior and the nun were thinking the child was odd , it was nothing to what Millie was thinking about them and her introduction to the school and its inmates .
7 But that was not what Owen was thinking about .
8 I have in my possession a letter from one of the RAF 's most revered names , a great wartime C-in-C and possibly one of the RAF 's foremost Chiefs-of-Air-Staff and , in peacetime , a dear friend of mine these many years , who said of the Bennett appointment : " I can not understand what Harris was thinking of making that airline fellow a Group Commander … "
9 ‘ We actually inhibit our speech patterns by worrying what others are thinking of use .
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