Example sentences of "[be] having [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I heard you playing your bagpipes in the church and when the Germans started to throw shit all over the village green , I knew that some bastard would be having a word with you .
2 So after you 've heard from the Factory , Stitch , we 'll — ’ the ‘ we ’ did not include Naseby — ‘ be having a word with Mr James Pegg . ’
3 Next month , I will be having a look at some readers ' requests .
4 Obviously we 'll be having a look at .
5 We 'll have to go and be having a look at at erm
6 We 'll be having a look at some B two 's and we 'll pick up this bit about and er the coding when you have a look at that .
7 They see them at home , it 's all around them , but the use of calculators for example has not really been built yet widely into the curriculum for primary schools , so that is an area that we shall be having a look at .
8 Oh they 've heard from Gav well she phoned Gavin yesterday apparently and he seems to be having a whale of a time .
9 You two seem to be having a bit of a difference of opinion .
10 Sometimes you 'd be having a bit of a lark together and Con would draw himself up and say , ‘ This has gone far enough ’ , or , ‘ Have you considered the implications of this course of action ? ’
11 ‘ Frank would be having a conversation with someone , ’ said Allen , ‘ and , halfway through , he would talk about something that had absolutely nothing to do with it . ’
12 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
13 They must be having a party in there .
14 They all seemed to be having a lot of fun , and I envied them , but the thought of jiving in a tight blue skirt and Waaf knickers was quite impossible .
15 Tommy Sparks was a man having a remarkable thirst and woe betide anyone unfortunate enough to be having a haircut around opening time .
16 Well there was er the one who had the most important influence in my school life was Albert Edward , do you remember the printers , he was a teacher and he used to teach standard four , that was your last standard in the junior , and he had a big influence on , on me because er he wanted me to go into the printing trade as an apprentice , but I , me leaving school at thirteen and going into full-time work straight away I could n't do , do that but oh there was er , , he was an officer during the war he was in the and there was oh our , our school teacher , we used to call , we used to call him his name was actually Arthur I think , but he was always , he was a little bit addicted to the lit little whisky bottle , he used to keep a little bottle in his desk and he 'd be having a nip of whisky , but he was what was approximated as a sports master now , he used to look after the football team , we used to call him , I suppose his name was Arthur but his name was .
17 ‘ What could she possibly be having a hand in ?
18 I mean , I probably should never be having a nanny in the first Place .
19 Later in the programme we 'll be having a report from Molyneux looking at all the local games in detail .
20 That line of analysis tends to indicate that when one is interpreting s740(3) and the meaning of the expression " relevant income " ( meaning " income which can directly or indirectly be used for providing a benefit for an individual or for enabling a benefit to be provided for him " ) the taxpayer may be having the benefit of a slightly generous interpretation if the Revenue permit , in any year in which income arises , the amount of the relevant income in that year to be reduced by the amount of expenditure incurred in that year .
21 ‘ If I was a man , I believe you 'd be having an affair with me .
22 ‘ I still think you 'd be having an affair with me if I was a man , ’ she said .
23 It 's extremely improbable that someone who is working with people like Bill Mishkin and Bill Saltman should be having an affair with someone like Rose .
24 ‘ I just think that it 's disgusting for you to be having an affair with a married woman , that 's all . ’
25 A JOINT operation by Wirral Council and Merseyside Police appears to be having an impact on cockling problems in the Dee Estuary .
26 Recent evidence from two Nuffield College researchers , John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy , suggests that development pressures may already be having an effect with an estimated 100,000 people emigrating from the south east in 1988 because of high house prices .
27 Lack of loadings have forced the two trips on July 15 and July 29 to go to the wall and FSS spokesman John Leech said : ‘ The recession still seems to be having an effect on the way people spend their money . ’
28 This could now be having an effect on the numbers of immature fish inshore .
29 Parents believe the recession may be having an effect on some people 's ability to pay the £10,000 a year fees , but the college needs the money .
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