Example sentences of "[be] seen [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where the issue of assessment and examining in the arts becomes problematical is in those instances where the justification can be seen to be overtly influenced by external factors .
2 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
3 any targets or standards of performance must have been previously agreed between employee and superior , or team colleagues , and be seen to be both sensible and reasonable
4 Out of this , we can arrive perhaps at some principles of practice which can be seen to be both compatible with normalisation ( in our preferred sense ) and supportive of self-advocacy .
5 He seems to be saying that the product must be seen to be either cheaper or different if people are to buy it .
6 The implications for social policy are as follows : first , that the main determinants of welfare are economic ; second , that the government 's role in diverting resources into social policies must be seen to be closely interrelated with , even dependent upon , the role it plays in the management of the economy ; third , that social policies will be determined by views about the way the economy does , or should , operate .
7 I suppose he does n't want to be seen to be just reacting to your letter he 's obviously started doing these things off his own bat anyway has n't he ?
8 The range can be seen to be surprisingly restricted , however , with the emphasis on basic services ( especially metalworking ) at most sites ; more specialized activities are less well represented .
9 The basic success of the policy however has tended to draw into its influence many who initially chose not to participate , since it would obviously be professionally unsound to be seen to be consciously not taking part .
10 Things matter if , as themes , they can be seen to be frequently returned to in the documents and , moreover , to be responding to the stated purposes of Pope John in calling the Council .
11 The London market may be seen to be increasingly dominated by eight firms , five of whom are true international firms — owning and controlling a wide network of offices worldwide — and three local firms .
12 They were at an age when one often does not like eating very much ; and the Greeks , a poor race with memories of starvation , like their children to be well fed , and to be seen to be well fed .
13 ‘ ( 1 ) Solicitors shall ensure that every office where they or their firms practise is and can reasonably be seen to be properly supervised in accordance with the following minimum standards :
14 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
15 In other words , the focus of Gironella 's attention is neither historically nor iconographically arbitrary , although in some ways his reworkings of the paintings of others could be seen to be simply an extension of a fairly conventional activity .
16 Some of these clients can misread political realities , others may perceive that they are ‘ involving clinicians ’ in management whereas they could also be seen to be merely ‘ indoctrinating ’ .
17 As we saw in the chapter dealing with rules , it is not enough for your punch to be an effective scoring technique ; it must be seen to be so , and this entails making its success obvious .
18 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
19 It has to be seen to be more socially responsible , to make people feel more comfortable about owning a Rolls . ’
20 The industry is trying to be seen to be more responsible , take a longer-term view and structure transactions more prudently .
21 Commerce can be seen to be more closely regulated from the late seventh and eighth centuries onwards in the form of manufacturing and trading centres ( Hodges 1982a ) , although these certainly do not necessarily imply free trade ; in fact , quite the opposite , for the evidence from Saxon Southampton , Hamwic , indicates that the craftsman there were as tied and organised as the rural ‘ peasantry ’ .
22 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
23 Too frightened to speak , the man nodded vigorously , as did his men , and they walked off stiffly , none wanting to be seen to be more afraid than the others .
24 This might be seen to be more relevant to users but the trade-off would have to be made against the possible effects on the date of publication .
25 There was the application of quotas , and additional opportunities for training and development that may involve , by employers to be seen to be more encouraging and therefore more attractive to female hopefuls — wrenching the market , even , into a more equitable and efficient way of operating .
26 Public services have become more marketing orientated and have to be seen to be more accountable to their ‘ publics ’ ( e.g. the police service which is now more public relations conscious than in the past ) .
27 If the B Ed was a degree which enjoyed the status of all other first degrees , then it must be and be seen to be academically respectable .
28 Demands around housing therefore must be seen to be as politically central as demands around the wage and employment , and not simply be seen as a matter of individual choice , which for women in particular it is not .
29 The idea that old age dependency in twentieth-century Britain has increased , as propounded in the writing on ‘ structured dependency ’ , can therefore be seen to be highly contestable .
30 As with the ‘ Shotton ’ , the excellence of the vehicles restoration has to be seen to be fully appreciated .
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