Example sentences of "[be] seen [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As can be seen for wild-type Eco K approximately 50% of the DNA is cleaved after 30 min and no further reaction appears to take place after this time .
2 This race is distinctly darker than our British bird and can be seen to good advantage on Sea-lion Island , the most southerly inhabited island in the Falklands .
3 Certainly our classification policy is very much based on what kind of violence is safe to be seen at various ages . ’
4 This aircraft is also kept busy on charter operations , and may be seen at various UK airports in summertime .
5 Midway , over the wall bordering the road on the right , will be seen at close range The Tarn with the Ribble beyond and Ingleborough forming a massive background .
6 It can be seen at certain times .
7 Both need to be seen on Japanese television hobnobbing with the good and the great around the world .
8 In addition , MRI may show extension of the tumour through the chest wall which can not readily be seen on computed tomogram because of the lack of contrast between the tumour and chest wall muscles .
9 ‘ Ross or Rebecca is a transsexual , and should not be seen on Irish television screens , ’ said Mr McGahon , deputy for Louth .
10 They are more often to be seen on Irish calendars than in real life ( except as ruins ) , but many survive as comfortable homes .
11 She can now be seen on general release in the Neil Jordan film The Crying Game , cast as an IRA terrorist .
12 The adult worms , reddish in colour and 1.0 cm in length , can be seen on close inspection of the mucosal surface .
13 It will be intriguing to test whether other nearby quasars have close companions , not distinguishable from the quasar images to be seen on previous photographs .
14 A similar tendency can be seen on ecclesiastical estates .
15 A private garden for the use of hotel patrons runs down the water 's edge and there is a wonderful view of the Sea of Moyle stretching beyond to the shores of Scotland and the Western Isles which can be seen on clear days .
16 It contains the private Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons , only to be seen on written application .
17 They have been the nucleus of several hundred self-employed artisans manufacturing these bicycle attachments who can be seen on open sites across Nairobi .
18 Only God , the cherubim , and the angels were ever meant by the Lord to be seen with bare feet .
19 Without this the theory would find it difficult to explain why latent inhibition should be seen with inhibitory conditioning in the test phase .
20 On the other hand , the details within the shot can certainly be seen with enhanced clarity if played back frame-by-frame or in slow-motion .
21 A similar biochemical picture to this may be seen with severe heart failure .
22 The effect of using garnet as an inlay can be seen with particular brilliance in the jewellery purse components , shield ornaments and sword-fittings from the royal ship-burial at Sutton Hoo ( fig. 27 ) .
23 The United States ' open support for Israel was formalized in 1975 in a joint memorandum of understanding whereby ‘ threats to the security and sovereignty of Israel by a world power would be seen with special severity by the United States government . ’
24 English , on the other hand , has to be able to distinguish dental from labiodental and alveolar places of articulation for to be distinct from and and for to be distinct from and ; this requires an additional feature that most languages do not need , and this could be seen as specific task for the learner of English .
25 These can be seen as practical methods of resolving the kinds of problems identified by the theory .
26 The foundations of his manor house , Roos Castle , can still be seen as regular contours in a field south of the church .
27 Both can be seen as genuine attempts at making something out of nothing , attempts at getting something even if it 's only a laugh out of a life which , in many cases , by 16 has already run into a collection of brick walls labelled ‘ unemployment ’ , ‘ shit jobs ’ and ‘ routine brushes with the Law ’ .
28 Walker ( 1975 ) has noted that mature students who did not satisfy the GER obtained significantly better degree results than all students while mature students who satisfied the GER did not differ significantly from the norm , and in seeking an explanation for this he points to the fact that those who did not satisfy the GER are on average somewhat older and can be seen as genuine returners , rather than students who have taken longer to meet the traditional qualifications .
29 There 's a littleness about it all : again it must not be seen as mere chance that we encounter Swift 's Lilliput on the first page of the novel .
30 In this way , the stylized clay objects may be seen as early forerunners of the more recognizable goddess-idols of the Late Minoan period .
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