Example sentences of "[be] seen [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Calculations for the break-even point of the system will also have to be deferred until the new system can be seen to be at least as productive as the old .
2 The Academy , after all , must be seen to be on the side of law and order .
3 To cooperate may be defined as to work together or to operate jointly-These terms are therefore not dissimilar , yet co-ordination may be seen to be of a higher level and a more difficult operation than co-operation .
4 The New Forms of production ( NFP ) can be seen to be of increasing power in certain circumstances .
5 5.4.7 Both schools illustrate the fact that developments in Stage 3 of the project can be seen to be of potentially greater significance than the immediate effects of securing and expending a Major grant .
6 Kelly is at the head of the Football Association and he must be seen to be above the fray .
7 The authors see the requirement for the nurse to re-register every three years ( periodic licensing ) , as an important step forward in ensuring ‘ that all patients receive the highest level of care and that the qualified nurse can really be seen to be in a position of accountability ’ .
8 In this manner the alleged dispensation of justice can be seen to be in direct conflict with the best interests of air safety .
9 County freeholders , often indiscriminately styled ‘ barons ’ , as indeed some of them were , whose estates had been erected into free baronies by a crown charter , were gentlemen landowners of the shire , the direct vassals of the crown , and most of them were fully conscious of holding a social position which demanded that they should not be seen to be in any man 's pocket .
10 The parliamentary party on the outbreak of the First World War can therefore be seen to be in a rough state of balance , with the interests of land , services , professions and business in a near equality .
11 It is important that the Royal Ulster Constabulary should be seen to be in the forefront of the fight against terrorism with the support and confidence of the whole community .
12 This can be seen to be in accordance with the Yerkes-Dodson law if it is assumed that more difficult tasks are those which require greater attentional capacity ( c.f. Kahneman , 1973 ) .
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