Example sentences of "[be] in [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If the federal budget were in balance , not counting social security , the federal government would be in overall surplus and this would be a form of national savings .
2 Labour is said to be in terminal decline because we have failed to identify , let alone appeal to , a natural constituency we might expect to provide us with majority support .
3 He was said to be in financial difficulty when he tried to blackmail Hillier in May 1991 .
4 The Board took the view that it was not in the national interest that such complete information about the whole nation should be in private hands and after a prolonged and bitterly fought legal battle it won — ensuring the perpetual hostility of Readers Digest the world over to any suggestion of data protection thereafter .
5 The Scot will be in good company when he sets out with the early starters among the 70 survivors today .
6 We arrived safely on the 19th [ 18 September according to the Hobart Town Courier ] of September in excellent health , and but for the thoughts of those we left behind should also be in good spirits as our prospects here are in many respects cheering .
7 There must be adequate ventilation into the room , and the flue must be in good condition and have a good draught , with no susceptibility to down-draught .
8 FENDER Pro 185 , must be in good condition and with footswitch .
9 All your gear must be in good condition and regular checks cost nothing .
10 those with difficulty looking after themselves , the confused , the incontinent , the blind , the deaf , and the bad tempered were more likely to be in such homes than others .
11 ‘ The means testing forms have to be in such detail so we can work out how much people can afford .
12 I had a friend , she now manages the Eurythmics with her husband , but at that time , none of us needed to be in such luxury but none of us said no if it was offered and DeFries always observed the Noel Coward code and said , ‘ You should travel through life first class . ’
13 ( 4 ) A licence granted by a licensing board shall be in such form as the board may decide .
14 10. ( 1 ) An application to a licensing board of any kind mentioned in subsection ( 6 ) below in respect of any premises shall be in such form as may be prescribed , shall be completed and signed by the applicant or his agent , and shall be lodged with the clerk of the licensing within whose area the premises are situated not later than five weeks before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered .
15 Where no form is prescribed for a transaction , or a prescribed form can not be conveniently adapted , r75 provides that the instrument shall be in such form as the registrar shall direct or allow but shall follow the approved forms as nearly as possible .
16 In these circumstances , they tend to be in desperate need and thus have little power , so are frequently offered the worst properties with little possibility of being offered a better property on refusal .
17 From the coastal area , you can be in broom-covered hills and forests within 30 minutes .
18 The rider must also be in perfect balance and should stay in behind his horse until the moment of take-off .
19 After the memory interacts with the system to be remembered , it will definitely be in one state or the other , according to the state of the system .
20 It would explain how Greg manages to be in one piece while the Lorelei is nothing but a few planks of driftwood .
21 From this FitzGerald could be in little doubt as to the likely course the bishops would take once a referendum campaign got under way .
22 Under Schools ' Regulations , students should be in full-time attendance and under the age of 19 .
23 Thus the person being cared for must be receiving attendance allowance , in recognition that s/he is ‘ severely disabled ’ ; the carer must not be in full-time education or earning ( from April 1992 ) more than £40 a week ; carers can not take more than four weeks ' holiday in any six-month period , nor can the disabled person be in hospital for more than four weeks at a time .
24 In the view of their Lordships it can only be in rare cases that a taxpayer with a principal place of business in Hong Kong can earn profits which are not chargeable to profits tax under section 14 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance .
25 Leading auctioneer , John Marion , appeared to be in confident mood as he took the rostrum at Sotheby 's on Tuesday 17 November .
26 No-one was quite sure whether they were meant to be in fancy dress but anyhow there were a couple decent Santa 's , a smith grinding policeman , and a ridiculous looking Dave ‘ Kowabunga-Mutant-Ninja-Turtle-Most-Unfortunately-named-clothing-company-of-the-century ’ Davis , dressed in poncho and sombrero .
27 In general , dwellings in rural areas and conurbations are about 25 per cent more likely to be in poor condition than dwellings in provincial towns .
28 It may be appropriate just to state this intention in the heads of agreement and to leave the detailed description , which should be in greater detail than is normal in statutory accounts ( i.e. the policy for holiday pay accrual etc ) to the purchase and sale agreement .
29 Some day , someone will be in greater need than me .
30 packing Friday on the way to mum Peter 's mum she told them she 's just in so much pain , she wants it doing so he 's gon na get in , I said , it 's poss that she 'll be in six days and probably off a few weeks after when she gets home it 's operation on her neck and shoulder they 're going to release the nerve they reckon it 's it 's a she told them and do what they will with it .
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