Example sentences of "[be] a [noun] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It might be thought that a programme which proposes to cut the federal workforce by 100,000 over the next four years had scant claim to be a drive for jobs .
2 Authorities have begun to find that multi-agency cooperation in other fields — notably racial violence — need not be a mask for police interference .
3 But the over-riding problem was really to ensure that there would continue to be a School for boys to progress from .
4 A Department of Environment spokesman said : ‘ There will be a system for appeals but the details of how it will work have not yet been finalised . ’
5 I came as a foreigner and I 'm told that Suffolk people were stand-offish , difficult to get to know and you 'd be a foreigner for years .
6 They 'll mean ignorance of best practice will no longer be a defence for companies in any future legal action by an employee .
7 Remember , floor level draughtproofing materials should be fitted securely and not be loose-lying as they can be a hazard for falls .
8 He said : ‘ In the past , Gwynedd communities may have perceived HIV and Aids to be a problem for others , for large urban populations or overseas communities .
9 They can also be a problem for women who 've had children because the full womb can all too easily force the stomach upwards .
10 There will also be a service for parents with pre-school children .
11 The Labour movement might not be a home for lesbians and gays , but it was certainly no longer enemy territory .
12 To really enjoy your garden it should n't just be a home for plants .
13 We are only beginning to work out these implications and our chapters of research can only be a base for others to examine in greater detail how our theories work .
14 The timbers are badly shaped and put together ; such a structure can only be a vehicle for plants and the sooner they cover it the better .
15 there should be a requirement for firms to report quarterly on the adequacy of their financial resources ;
16 ‘ This has got to be a Budget for jobs .
17 There was little doubt that when this liberalization took effect there would be a rush for places in the Chinese " special economic zones " where Taiwan 's major problems of high labour costs and the limited availability of land did not exist .
18 But it would be a mistake for women to consider themselves reasonably ‘ safe ’ , because after the menopause a woman loses the protective effect of her hormones and her chances of suffering from heart disease are almost equal to a man 's .
19 It 's possible that 1992 will be a year for sprinters .
20 There may be a tendency for courts to err on the side of caution , and for orders to be made for the full length of time , but the recent judgement by the High Court in relation to an appeal in North Yorkshire may encourage the courts to exercise discretion with greater confidence , and take advice from the GAL .
21 ( g ) one disadvantage with convertible loan stock is that there can be a tendency for stockholders to convert when profits and share prices are rising ( thus diluting the equity profit of existing ordinary shareholders and depriving them of the advantage of the cheaper gearing which such stock provides ) and to retain the stock when profits and share prices are falling , thus maintaining the debt burden of the company at a time when it may be least able to service it ; and
22 There may be a tendency for nurses to see some of this care as " routine " .
23 In a similar way , there would be a tendency for regions to duplicate planning management , personnel and training management , accountancy management etc , thus increasing overhead costs and problems of coordination and integration .
24 In addition , there will be a conference for women communicators prior to our assembly in Chile in October .
25 It is designed to be a place for SATELLITES , SHUTTLES , PLANETS and THE SHIP .
26 There would still be a place for amateurs , for salaried professionals and for private professionals , all of them supported in varying degrees by government funds .
27 There will be a place for academics to publish their research or forecasts for different sectors of the industry .
28 WHAT is good news for shoppers can be a disaster for shareholders .
29 Moreover we are not qualified to suggest any solutions to this problem — that must be a job for educationists .
30 For during this first term the long regular letters to Harry Hooton appear to be a substitute for letters to Helen and a roundabout way of informing her of his progress .
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