Example sentences of "[be] so [adj] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She was not sure how she could be so certain of this except , perhaps , that there had been a miasma of heaviness , a cold , black diseased feel to the air which was not there now .
2 Cos there 'll only be so many from each authority I suppose
3 You used to be so good at that .
4 But this too might fail to expose the error , for the stranger might simply guess the right answers , or his answers might be so close to those expected of him that even the most scrupulous interrogator would be deceived .
5 It is often more fun to taste a wine 's potential than wait years for it to reach a maturity that may not be so splendid after all .
6 I never expected it to be so hot at this time of the year and I did n't know there was a pool .
7 ‘ You 're so beautiful , how can you be so callous of another woman 's unhappiness when you look like an angel direct from heaven ? ’
8 The right hon. Gentleman should not be so cheap over such a problem .
9 ‘ My lords , it will not be so easy as that , I swear .
10 I 'm recording this , well like I 'm only lying No , yeah , I know you must be so gutted after that you going oh I would n't dump him for anyone oh well , now you can go out Oh my god there 's Paul .
11 ‘ I ca n't think why you appear to be so preoccupied with that girl . ’
12 But would it be so absurd for those who sought refuge in tranquilisers or pep pills to try instead a course of Beethoven , Mozart or Chopin ?
13 Bearing in mind the notion of a portfolio spread of risk , directors do not have to be so risk-averse to all types of investment — especially where , with new technology , it may indicate the creation of an option to stay in business .
14 ‘ I would n't be so sure of that , ’ Ruth stated tartly , ‘ They were once lovers , do n't forget . ’
15 ‘ I would n't be so sure about that if I were you ! ’
16 " Do n't be so sure about that .
17 They made a conscious decision not to deal with the new carpet superstores , largely because profit margins would be so low in that their bulk purchasing power made them able to demand low margins .
18 Perhaps my father would not be so proud after all , she reflected , and sat in silence until the wedding carriage went under the high stone archway and into the blue-tiled courtyard of the Quinta de Santo António .
19 ‘ Why should Sir Ralph be so terrified of this ? ’
20 But , on the other hand , where Hansard does provide the answer , it should be so clear to both parties that they will avoid the cost of litigation .
21 Well , it might not be so difficult after all .
22 His own steps seemed enormous , he floated up the steps , swimming could n't be so difficult after all , particularly as he 'd become weightless .
23 It might not be so bad after all .
24 This is n't going to be so bad after all .
25 This might not be so bad after all .
26 But when I arrived at The St Chad 's Deanery Day for Stockport and discovered there was a group of 20 people aged from ten up to 19 , I thought that things could n't be so bad after all .
27 And if he was still alert enough to be insulting , his wound might not be so bad after all .
28 Perhaps things were n't going to be so bad after all .
29 ‘ But many old people are lonely and neglected at Christmas , so our cake decoration wo n't be so inappropriate after all .
30 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
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