Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was to be seen with more telling effect in the coal dispute which started some 6 months later .
2 Such clearly defined patterns are to be seen in both social and political , as well as all other systems .
3 Evidence of this can be seen in both Indian painting and architecture of the period , as well as in the rug designs , and Persian aesthetic ideals and compositions remain an integral part of Indian weaving to this day .
4 A good example of the problem caused by anhydrite cementation can be seen in well 48/22–1 ( Fig. 19 ) in the southern North Sea , which was drilled on a dip-closed structure at ‘ base Zechstein' level .
5 The incentive/disincentive effects of taxation can be direct and indirect and they can be seen in either broad or narrow terms .
6 That there is a real disjunction between what the ideal institution ought to do and what it does can be seen in yet another attempt to describe the BBC as the ideal typical ‘ public service , institution .
7 Only your detective , perhaps , will need to be seen in somewhat greater depth , since your readers have got to sympathise with him or her and to do that they probably need more than just one point of contact .
8 But characters will be much more present , be seen in much greater , convoluted depth even than in the detective novel .
9 The benefits of controlled breathing can be seen in so many cases .
10 His close-set eyes daily reviewed documents which would otherwise only be seen by perhaps half a dozen people — up to and including the President himself .
11 On Friday they 'll come out of the garage , to be seen by around 60,000 visitors at the Spring Gardening Show in Malvern .
12 The two local policemen came around one day and suggested I place a red light in a window which could be seen by as many neighbours or passers-by as possible .
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