Example sentences of "[be] a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This turned out to be a reference to the secrecy surrounding the use of Ossie Wheatley 's power of veto as chairman of the cricket committee to block the reappointment of Mike Gatting rather than David Gower as England captain last summer .
2 This turned out to be a reference to the secrecy surrounding the use of Ossie Wheatley 's power of veto as chairman of the cricket committee to block the reappointment of Mike Gatting rather than David Gower as England captain last summer .
3 The bulls supporting the baldaquin are thought to be a reference to the peasant background of Queen Libuše 's husband and co-ruler , the first Přemysl .
4 This is understood to be a reference to the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD . )
5 The work by Sickert which is included in the exhibition is ‘ Hollandaise ’ ( c1906 ) which , we art told , may be a reference to the fictional prostitute in Balzac 's Gobseck ( 1830 ) .
6 But since the cases of Gordon and Paterson have now laid down that in obligatory section 7(4) cases there must be a reference to the possible alternative of giving urine and since this procedural requirement , shorn of the doctrine of driver 's preference , appears to present no difficulty to the police , it would now , I think , be inappropriate to reverse those decisions to the extent of abrogating this procedural requirement .
7 Shaikh Saad urged Kuwaitis to overcome their political differences and promised , in what was widely believed to be a reference to the restoration of the 1962 constitution , that " the people of Kuwait can only be rewarded for their trust and loyalty by further trust " .
8 The NDI observer group , claiming that the elections were " generally open , orderly and well-administered " , had nevertheless pointed out that " the caretaker government 's use of the perquisites of incumbency " had seemed " to have given an advantage to one of the contesting parties " — presumed to be a reference to the IDA .
9 But the starting point must be a reference to the 1981 Flowers Report on Coal and the Environment .
10 If possible , any reference to subtenants , licensees and casual callers ( eg customers ) should be deleted and there should most certainly not be a reference to the avoidance of the policy by acts or omission of other tenants in a multi-occupied building or shopping centre .
11 erm and er , you know as you 're exercising your discretion your Lordship there 's the points in the white book , my Lord in the interim it would be the societies submission that there are three reasons why during the time that it may take to get any guidance from the European court , in the interim , the application of the bi-laws and in particular the provisions of the Act nineteen eighty two should be maintained and er given er their force , because clearly my Lord if there is to be a reference to the European court , matters will take some two years or so before the European court will give it 's ruling that I think would be common ground with my learned friend
12 There are areas where every child is in rags and learns to be a thief from the age of three .
13 My leaving was supposed to be a secret between the two of us . ’
14 It would always be a secret : even if the doctor 's wife died and the doctor married Miss Lavant it would still be a secret about the child that had been born , because they 'd never want it to be known out of respect for the dead .
15 After that story was published , the discounting game , which had long since ceased to be a secret in the computer room , was a factor in the boardroom .
16 Bizat , suspecting that-as the Victorians had discovered — exhibition clientele was going to be a mainstay of the Palace 's economy , started checking out the market he was aiming at .
17 ‘ Well , I had an uncle who trained to be a pilot in the Canadian Air Force .
18 To gain the title of Nordic Champion , it is necessary to be a champion in the country of origin and also to achieve at least one certificate in each of the other countries .
19 Along with this will be a call on the public relations function to advise and to operate increasingly sophisticated persuasion techniques within the framework of democracy .
20 In an editorial in the August issue of its inhouse magazine , Taxation Practitioner , president Jennifer Ainsworth wrote that there should be a call for the faculty to withdraw its proposals .
21 The latest speakers to be firmed up for the conference are David Pascall , chairman of the National Curriculum Council , who will speak at the general assembly session on The New Generation — A Strategy for Reading , and Simon Lang of the Henley Centre for Forecasting , who will be a speaker at the general assembly on The Future of the Book .
22 Bob was invited to be a speaker at the 19th World Industrial Advertising Congress in Geneva , alongside top industrialists including British Aerospace Chairman Sir Graham Day .
23 The day usually ends with practical work which , in the case of malaria , may be a survey of the areas where mosquitoes are found and deciding on action , for example , drainage and grass-brushing .
24 It is true that marriage is , or may be , a detriment to the plaintiff ; but detriment to the plaintiff is not enough , unless it either be a benefit to the testator , or be treated by the testator as such , by having been suffered at his request .
25 The ideal situation would be a marriage between the two seemingly opposing principles , where alternative and orthodox practitioners reign harmoniously side by side .
26 effective learning would appear to be a function of the relationship between formal instructional and natural use .
27 The type of household in which the elderly person lives may , in its turn , be a function of the stage he or she has reached in the life course rather than of age per se .
28 One might quibble with these distinctions , but the proposal is simple : BSL is a language for conveying information and will be optimal where accurate and immediate knowledge is the goal ; methods imposed on this medium will be tailored to specific educational goals and these will be a function of the priorities of teachers , parents and society .
29 Whether this will happen will be a function of the wave velocity along the tape , whose mass per unit length will have been increased and wave velocity reduced , by the drenching rain last Saturday .
30 It may indeed be possible to regard the present subject of study as yet another type of word-pairing — except of course that the " greater precision " may be a function of the whole line in relation to the previous line , and not just of one word in relation to another word .
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