Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having put these levers in their basic positions , you are free to concentrate on the three ribber controls that you 'll be using all the time .
2 The Newmarket trainer runs Top Class in the Longchamp spectacular and the faithful backing Brittain will expect to be laughing all the way to the bank as they help themselves to the generous 40-1 on offer .
3 ‘ General Electric must be laughing all the way to the bank , ’ he says .
4 THE Australians must be laughing all the way back to Sydney at the thought of the World Cup Final .
5 Remixed , reissued , repackaged , re-available , if it 's a hit this time , Galliano will be laughing all the way to the bottle bank .
6 ‘ If there 's ever a fairground revival , ’ his grandad , who had a stake in the business , would insist , ‘ we 'll be laughing all the way to the bank . ’
7 So far from going to market , these little piggies will be squealing all the way to very good homes .
8 On our way home from school we should be nibbling all the crust , the nice crosspieces to eat .
9 ‘ It 's obvious to me , since you ca n't possibly be paying all the mortgage on your flat without help , that my cousin must be paying something towards it . ’
10 The Parks Department 's budget might be dwindling all the time , but with the help of local businesses , the Council 's spending what little money it does have adding a splash of colour to otherwise rather ordinary landmarks like shopping centres and roundabouts .
11 ‘ When we started out , you did n't tell me we 'd be going all the way by car , ’ she said rather accusingly .
12 The stoppage dropped Mansell into seventh place with 15 laps to go and his battle with race leader Ayrton Senna seemed to be going all the Brazilian 's way .
13 But he was offhand with me and seemed to be waiting all the time for me to go out .
14 I have been around to all of them , most of the shops in the town and we will be patrolling all the time .
15 I have been around to all of them , most of the shops in the town and we will be patrolling all the time .
16 ‘ Look , I know yer ca n't be servin' all the time , but I was a bit narked the way yer was sittin' wiv that Don Jacobs .
17 Is my hon. Friend aware that needs and expectations in regard to special types of education seem to be rising all the time ?
18 We 're gon na get em trained up in the garages before we actually launch , but they are able now to say they are approved installers so they will be getting all the stuff , everything in relation to it , I 've given em a list of the people involved in Nottinghamshire and it 's the launch is on the seventh March at West Bridgford , and basically the system is ready and up and running , thank the Lord after hard work by er Keith and us all at various times , but it 's been mainly down to Keith .
19 Michael was livid that Hemmings , in the cloakrooms , seemed to be getting all the way with one of the girls while Crawford/Ingram was off in a corner with another girl — ‘ simply practising how long we could kiss ’ . ’
20 Predictably , you seem to be getting all the flak for the Bill Davis/Alan Coren years of stagnation and complacency that led to the Punch you inherited a while back .
21 Andy seems to be assuming he 'll be providing all the booze for the party , so I gather he 's not quite as skint as I 've heard .
22 You 'll be doing all the washing-up on your own , Keith , I can tell you .
23 They say we are the turkeys but you better believe , We 'll be doing all the stuffing , In the Mid-Counties Combination League .
24 Erm well just the Friday and the Saturday when I should be doing all the bookwork , you know , making the tickets up .
25 ‘ We seem to be travelling all the time when it comes to cups , and indeed we will be at Instonians in the next round of the Touche Ross at the beginning of June , ’ said Garfield .
26 ‘ I will be asking all the team to play again and that includes Chris .
27 And erm , if I were to stop every time I heard a car go by , I 'd be stopping all the time , erm , to some extent , it becomes a part of your pattern of existence .
28 Do n't worry about the purple prose ( unless you are that way inclined ) , as the programme editors will be amalgamating all the information into one article , which we hope will be of interest to all Society members whether or not they are able to come to the Fairfield Hall .
29 They could n't be fighting all the time and the Iliad describes them hunting , fishing , boating and even playing draughts .
30 And then that 'd be throwing all the water away , it w it would n't soak in .
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