Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] to [be] good " in BNC.

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1 He believes ‘ That all individuals should be considered to be good , worthwhile and honest until he or she proves to the contrary ’ , It is a sentiment that still today remains his guiding light , and he would add that ‘ All things are possible through God ’ .
2 As long as Man 's intentions can be made to be good
3 How can God be seen to be good when one considers what history has been , and what it has meant for women that God has been conceived in primarily male terms ?
4 That is , what must be done in certain circumstances can not be said to be good without qualification and might involve evil and suffering .
5 ‘ It must proclaim , too , that responsibilities are as important as rights ; that there are no excuses for crime ; and that even those who have turned out to be bad can be helped to be good . ’
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