Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] and have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the appeal and quashing the order , that the judge had failed to specify the fees to be disallowed and had adopted an inappropriate procedure ; and that , in any event , there had been no unreasonable act or omission capable of founding an order under section 19A of the Act ( post , pp. 665G — 666B , G ) .
2 He said : ‘ I 'm lucky not to be paralysed and to have escaped with just a busted nose . ’
3 She 's versioned the things that should be versioned and has put out a request to others in the division for copies of any other forms that we use that do n't feature in procedures .
4 Bottles and containers can be made from a variety of plastics which , like coloured glass , must be separated into pure and therefore more economically viable batches or be down-graded and have restricted re-use .
5 Even Japan has given up the fight in some market areas where they used to be world leaders : And even the new industrial nations , in their turn , will eventually be undercut and have to move on : To what ?
6 This window is the tenth to be restored and has cost around fourteen thousand pounds to repair .
7 Nevertheless five men , who had been imprisoned because they deliberately and flagrantly disobeyed the orders of the NIRC , and so imperilled the rule of law and ‘ our whole way of life ’ , were released although they had not asked to be released and had made clear that they had no intention of apologizing to the court for their behaviour or of desisting from that behaviour .
8 The British Government professed to ‘ have always regarded it as desirable that these elections should be held and have advised the Government of the Republic of [ South ] Vietnam to enter into consultation with the Viet Minh authorities [ sic ] in order to ensure that all the necessary conditions obtain for a free expression of the national will ’ .
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