Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even the troopers seemed to be fascinated as they crowded closer for a better look .
2 However , we do not need to embark upon a lengthy discussion of differences between these concepts as such differences will be explained as they bear upon our concern with power in public sector organisations ( see Connolly , 1974 , for treatment of these conceptual issues ) .
3 They seemed to be paralysed as they encountered the hard wall of his chest , and his lips covered hers and met no resistance at all .
4 Support for these generalisations will be given as we proceed , but we should be aware that descriptions of institutional change need to be understood in the light of political and theoretical considerations .
5 This weekend that fear will be realised as she finds herself isolated from the boys who , as she has so often pointed out , mean everything to her .
6 The debt was written off in a long , slow reckoning of my own , though by the time I reached my mid-teens I already had a certainty of the future waiting — a void to be filled as I chose , with nothing predetermined .
7 Investment in some technology can be justified as it leads to more efficient billing .
8 I must stress that only aluminium cans are acceptable and , if possible , they should be crushed as they take up less room .
9 Another , which consists of failed Social Democrats who now wish to clone the Labour Party in David Owen 's image , have to be treated as we have treated other entryists .
10 Turnour seems to be happy to be insulted as he enjoys putting people in their places and he was used to it and relished it .
11 ‘ From now on , the infant will be reared as I explained , and not for at least twenty years will we be able to report in much detail on the results of our investigations , although preliminary papers will be published in the professional press from time to time .
12 Omar expressed anxiety that we might be attacked as we withdrew from Bahdu , but Ali Wali guaranteed our safety .
13 These people must be considered as you organise your data .
14 You just need something to start you off that can then be modified as you go along .
15 Plums can be harvested as they begin to show colour .
16 New E number substances may be added as they come along , the records themselves may be edited , and a personal history of the observed response of various people , perhaps members of your family , may be added .
17 Support for other compilers will be added as they become available .
18 New terms and relationships may be added as they arise , or in batches at predetermined intervals .
19 Gordon Harris ( of Wragge & Co ) leads the seminar on Music in the Film and Television Industries when the current issues for independent producers , broadcasters and music companies will be addressed as they relate to copyright , clearances , liaison with PRS , MCPS , record companies and the musicians union .
20 Unless there is a particular problem I would propose to delay altering the stops until moving the shelter can be organised as I think it would be confusing , not to say unpopular , to do otherwise .
21 A MAN sparked off a full scale alert last night after he refused to be rescued as he drifted a mile and a half off shore in the North Sea in only a five foot toy dinghy .
22 A MAN sparked off a full-scale alert last night after he refused to be rescued as he drifted a mile and a half off shore in the North Sea in only a five foot toy dinghy .
23 Because these will be resent as we know that have individual needs in individual ways and they often rub off one against the other if they live in closeness as we all do .
24 A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables is obviously to be recommended as it encourages digestion and elimination .
25 They wo n't be evicted as they plan to leave .
26 They wo n't be evicted as they plan to leave .
27 My hon. Friend is entirely right about the pride of the Russian people , which must be respected as we seek to help them .
28 The scheme of the Section is that the income which the settlor by his disposition has diverted from himself and conferred on another shall be notionally restored to him while in fact continuing to be applied as he has directed .
29 All was about to be revealed as we tracked down madcap Jenny Hanley , the woman at the heart of a million schoolboy fantasies .
30 There are also a large number of tactical decisions to be made as you sail upwind .
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