Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This then is a brief résuméof the problems which must be recognized by any indexer and for which the index must allow .
2 This is a fact that must be recognized by any teacher or any school who thinks seriously of embarking on graded tests as a means of supplementing , and perhaps ultimately supplanting , GCSE and A level examinations .
3 People 's natural prejudices may be aroused by this prospect alone , sufficiently for the idea to be rejected , but it must be made clear why EMU is undesirable for Britain and for Europe .
4 The meeting had originally proposed the development of such strategies for the weakest EC economies ( i.e. Greece , Italy and Portugal ) but several ministers argued that they should be undertaken by all members .
5 I suggest that , for the next meeting of the North West London Dermatology Audit Group , local general practitioners and general practice audit facilitators should be invited to attend and a joint audit on the quality and appropriateness of outpatient service should be undertaken by all parties .
6 A greater degree of interaction between the statutory and voluntary agencies could foster mutual education and understanding , and initiatives need to be undertaken by both sides .
7 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
8 The reports of statues actually ‘ breathing , and ‘ speaking ’ may be explained by this understanding .
9 But not all the remaining convergence can be explained by this process and it has been suggested that the rest has been accommodated by the lateral movement of blocks of continental lithosphere along east-west trending strike-slip faults to the north of the Tibetan Plateau in Mongolia and western China ( Fig. 3.24 ) .
10 The attractions of Dworkin 's thesis can possibly be explained by this need for a new unitary formulation of legal theory — the irony , of course , is that Dworkin shares with other approaches this simplified view of today 's society .
11 ‘ Some products have too wide a variation to be explained by these factors and one must assume that many multi-national companies are charging what they believe the market will bear . ’
12 Purchase behaviour is a key behavioural pattern and can , in part , be explained by these theories .
13 It can only establish a correlation between two behaviour patterns ; but a correlation can always be explained by both activities being caused by a third , unobserved activity .
14 The relationship between Projects and Forum can , perhaps , best be explained by some examples .
15 3 ) Can the disclosure behaviour of companies be explained by any company specific characteristics ?
16 Numerous analyses leave no doubt that the scale of these changes can not be explained by any combination of relative adjustments within the context of post-war international economic recovery , the emergence of new industrial nations , the vigorous operation of comparative advantage within a high growth of trade , or by the substantial increase in semi-manufactures [ Panic , 1975 ] .
17 However , these concepts do not constitute a theory of word perception or production : they are names for structures and processes whose nature is to be explained by any theory of word perception or production .
18 Five shillings was to be given by each player , with four shillings of that being returned to each member of the winning side .
19 The unemployment of the mid-1880s contributed to the difficulty of sustaining the policy — workhouses were not large enough to hold all of the unemployed in the hardest hit district and out-door relief had to be given by many Guardians , though normally only in return for a daily ‘ test ’ such as stone-breaking in the workhouse yard — the task most favoured by Guardians for the male unemployed .
20 ‘ Or maybe you 'd prefer to be invigorated by another stalemate argument with me on the subject . ’
21 Where the licensing board decides to hold a hearing as mentioned in subsection ( 4 ) above : ( a ) the clerk of the board shall serve on the holder of the licence , not less than 21 days before the hearing , a notice that the board proposes to hold a hearing , specifying the complaint and the grounds upon which suspension of the licence is sought ; ( b ) the clerk of the board shall give notice of the hearing to the complainer ; ( c ) any person or body mentioned in section 16(1) of this Act may , not less than 7 days before the hearing , lodge notice with the clerk of the board that he or it wishes to be heard in support of suspension of the licence specifying the grounds on which he or it seeks such suspension , an any such notice shall be intimated by such person to the holder of the licence ; ( d ) the board shall not order suspension of a licence without hearing the holder thereof unless after receiving due notice of the hearing the holder fails to appear .
22 At the pace the zeks worked , the hole would not be filled by that evening .
23 Was the next year to be filled by more unemployment and more chemotherapy ?
24 of the vessel 's crew , irrespective of their nationality , to reside ashore in the member state in question was irrelevant to the aim of the quota system and could not therefore be justified by that aim .
25 But to see what this talk of the linguistic expression ‘ replacing ’ the natural expression really means we must consider , in order to reject , the prevalent notion that if someone says ‘ It hurts ’ or ‘ I 'm afraid ’ , and they are not lying , then what they say must be justified by some observation .
26 The real concern is that the remedy applied to suppress these practices may do more long-term damage to the rights of authors and publishers than can be justified by any compensation to the victims of crime or assuaging of the moral outrage achieved by the forfeiture of the proceeds of crime .
27 In summary , the exclusion of through traffic would serve the city well and can now be justified by several arguments .
28 People seek the benefits that products provide , rather than the products or brands themselves Specific products or brands should therefore be differentiated by those combinations of benefits and costs sought by a particular set of potential customers .
29 Only the section pertaining to a party shall be completed by that party .
30 The contract is still in force and must be completed by both parties .
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