Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unusual terms may need to be given special prominence , or be highlighted in some way , otherwise they may not be incorporated in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
2 The conference in 1968 on the transmission of schizophrenia , reported by Rosenthal and Kety , brought together researchers from each camp , and is probably the time at which all sides came to agree that both genetic and environmental factors must be implicated in some way .
3 Would his ‘ status ’ be altered in some way by this new scene , perhaps simply by the change itself ?
4 Could the organization be altered in some way to avoid the need to recruit , yet still obtain the same on the job results ?
5 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
6 The language of the original , or oddities of spelling or punctuation , can be amended to some degree — an important consideration when using such material with primary school pupils or pupils with learning difficulties .
7 Thus he seems to be arguing from within a position which holds that aggression is an innate attribute of sufficient strength that it needs to be redirected in some way for it not to manifest itself in interhuman relations .
8 Very low-calorie diets need to be undertaken with some kind of supervision , and are usually best suited to anyone with more than two stones to lose .
9 The occurrence of /aI/ in one dialect and /eI/ in the other is a result of the agreement within each community on a consensus norm of usage within that community , and the difference can not be explained without some reference to this fact .
10 The relationship between Projects and Forum can , perhaps , best be explained by some examples .
11 In recognition of the varying economic strengths of the countries involved the introduction would be delayed for some countries , in the case of Montserrat until Jan. 1 , 1994 .
12 Moreover she had the real comfort of knowing that her community appreciated what she was doing ; more , her life excited such admiration that after her death the interment had to be delayed for some days for fear of riots .
13 Delivering the keynote address at the Windows World annex to Comdex yesterday , Bill Gates announced that NT source code will be given to some US research institutions , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the University of Washington , Stanford University , Browns University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and they will be free to make their own enhancements to the Microsoft Corp operating system : Unix System Laboratories Inc has been less encouraging of the university fraternity in recent years , and the move is intended to unsettle the Unix community ; Gates also claimed NT 's Posix interface made it as easy ‘ to move applications here as to any of the versions of Unix out there . ’
14 Delivering the keynote address at the Windows World annex to Comdex last week , Bill Gates announced that NT source code will be given to some US research institutions , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the University of Washington , Stanford University , Browns University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and they will be free to make their own enhancements to the Microsoft Corp operating system .
15 It was decided that in future the proceeds should be given to some charity , clearly stated beforehand , and this would encourage greater participation .
16 The Conservative Election victory in 1970 had removed , for the time being at least , the prospect of the School 's being compelled to join the Independent sector , and allowed thought to be given at some length as to what Independence might entail .
17 To qualify for copyright protection a work of art must be original and must be realised in some medium or form of expression .
18 Yet talk to any established composer nowadays , and the likelihood is that he or she is about to be embroiled in some kind of operatic project , perhaps planned for the middle-distant future ( timescales are necessarily generous for opera ) but nevertheless fully engaged in the kind of musical thinking that three decades ago would have beyond the wildest dreams for all but the most exclusive , established few — Benjamin Britten and Tippett in Britain , Hans Werner Henze on the Continent .
19 It should be noted , however , that the spatial impact of scale economies will be ameliorated to some extent if the relevant industry/sector is already integrated to a relatively high level within Europe .
20 How their roles might be enhanced in recognition of the behavioural literature will be examined to some extent in chapter 9 .
21 Section 6(2) must now be examined in some detail .
22 Trends in mortality , nuptiality and fertility over this period will be examined in some detail .
23 All the same , three of them provide the best available narrative and chronology , and their reliability must be examined in some detail .
24 Provided the provisional calculations are reliable ( which is a topic for another day ) , farmers can be forgiven for some confusion in any debate about whether they were really better off in 1992 than in 1991 and whether they ‘ felt ’ better off !
25 The body itself was late medieval , not wrapped in cerecloth but in a long linen shift with a narrow hem of lace ; the features were discernible , though bald , whilst the ‘ inside of the body seemed to be filled with some substance which rendered it very hard . ’
26 The downgradings in the sector may be justified on some housebuilders , but others look severely undervalued at current levels .
27 But to see what this talk of the linguistic expression ‘ replacing ’ the natural expression really means we must consider , in order to reject , the prevalent notion that if someone says ‘ It hurts ’ or ‘ I 'm afraid ’ , and they are not lying , then what they say must be justified by some observation .
28 But it 's unlikely to be heard until some time next year .
29 The chaos would be compounded by some schools claiming grant-maintained status .
30 At sites where a number of periods of occupation overlie one another , the archaeologist has to identify and record very large numbers of what are referred to as contexts — divisions of the excavated material that can be distinguished in some way from their neighbours .
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