Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As for his qualities and accomplishments , they can not be altogether passed over in what is intended to be , however inadequate , a whole-hearted tribute of affection , admiration and regard .
2 While the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century can not be wholly explained simply in terms of this general cultural and social upheaval , it was most certainly part of it .
3 Although the Bank of England does not forbid them to do so , such stakes would have to be wholly written off against capital .
4 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
5 Further quantitative analysis may be carried out for consonant structure , liquid confusion , lengthening , palatalisation and order of acquisition of consonants , although this requires the test to be tape recorded and can be successfully completed only by someone with a sound knowledge of phonemic analysis .
6 Side by side with the suspicion that Masailand somehow emasculated its administrators , there grew up in East Africa a conviction that the proud Masai could be successfully handled only by the finest type of Englishman , whose qualities of honesty and good judgement they instinctively recognized and respected .
7 To this extent , of course , a synchronically divergent language state requires the same kind of treatment as a historically divergent state : in neither case can it be assumed that the norms of some ‘ standard ’ variety can be successfully projected on to it .
8 All members of the central team at Merrion House ( the Education Department 's offices ) were severely stretched in terms of both time and the range of roles they were expected to encompass , and it was therefore inevitable that some aspects of their job could be successfully accomplished only at the expense of others .
9 As this review of change in Europe and the USA has shown , there were a number of important experiments in the 1940s and 1950s which , coincident with the development of mood-stabilizing drugs , suggested that a significant number of long-term patients could be successfully boarded out in the community .
10 George Stephen remembered how as a youth he heard ‘ many a semi-domestic debate as to the extent to which parliamentary manoeuvring could be successfully carried out with the ministerial benches ’ .
11 The waterfall is usually held to be slowly flattened out by the erosion of the river so that the new section of the profile occupies successively the positions 1 to 6 ( Fig. 9.10A ) .
12 The Area successfully tendered for another section of the M74 ( Elvanfoot ) which will be mostly carried out in 1993 .
13 In fact , that is allied to their one main fault : they are rather tender , do n't like exposed positions and can be badly cut about by cold winds .
14 Many different groups are involved in the pollination of modern angiosperms and , in rain forest , this seems to be rather bound up with the level in the forest at which the flowers are presented .
15 to be laughingly bundled up to the template ,
16 The pistol would be discreetly locked away in a cupboard .
17 If Balbinder was bussed to Cedars every day she would be effectively cut off from any real involvement in her children 's schooling , and from an important part of her own role within the community as the mother of a young child at the local school .
18 Thousands of people will be effectively priced out of the system , no matter how strong their cases may appear .
19 The ORTF had become too big to be effectively controlled politically by the Information Minister or effectively managed by DGs ( three between 1958 and 1964 ) ; the latter , whether top civil servants , ‘ conseillers d'etat ’ or not , were not broadcasting professionals and had too short a ‘ run ’ to master the vast and complex , heavily unionized and bureaucratic juggernaut that the ORTF had become .
20 The plant will be effectively sealed off from the world apart from periodic inspection and monitoring visits by skilled staff .
21 In fact , the limits within which voluntary resources can be effectively used are narrow ; and they can only be effectively used even within those limits if professional full-paid effort is put into making it happen .
22 It adds that , at current rates , the forests ' will be effectively logged out within 40 years .
23 We always had to be properly dressed even in the wee small hours when we were only looking forward to being relieved so we could fall into bed .
24 It could be that your owner might consider replacing you with a Basenji if you do n't quieten down , and your nose will be properly put out of joint .
25 ToolChest will be widely distributed initially to some 25,000 ISVs and end-user software developers , the bulk of them from Sun and SunSoft rosters , the rest from Unix International .
26 They are therefore viewed as costs that can not be justifiably carried forward to future periods because they do not represent future benefits or the future benefits are so uncertain as to defy measurement .
27 Somehow we survived it all , just as I have survived 20 years of a lead-piped water supply and a further 20 years as an adult working in a concrete hut insulated on the inside with sprayed-on asbestos ; to say nothing of a like period supervising students using the Haldane gas analysis apparatus , a machine that not infrequently spewed mercury from its taps into the air , whence it fell onto the bench , or sometimes the floor , to be duly swept up by the lab boy at the end of the session for recovery .
28 Curtains can also be elegantly draped back over specially designed curtain-holders .
29 About half of them loosen up enough to allow the foreskin to be gently pulled back by the time the boy is a year old .
30 Large leaves may need support from a cane or , in the case of ficus , can be gently rolled up with an elastic band .
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