Example sentences of "[be] [adj] that [pron] have " in BNC.

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31 However , we can not even be sure that it has got the causal effects absolutely right .
32 I just want to be sure that you 've told me all you know . ’
33 But I needed to be sure that you had not forgotten your homesite .
34 If you have applied to the Social Services to help with funding you must be sure that you have their written approval too before work starts .
35 A further way of introducing some purpose to a day 's sailing is to experiment with different ways of doing things , since you can only be sure that you have found the best way by deliberately trying different ways .
36 When you have reached the prime of life and acquired a home and possessions to be proud of , you want to be sure that you have reliable insurance — but at a price that you feel recognises and rewards the care that you take .
37 Fight : If the adventurers attack quickly , be sure that you have Maximilian 's spells listed correctly ( see Profiles ) .
38 When considering coming to this country to study , be sure that you have sufficient finance .
39 Williams attempts to show that if we examined the commonplace idea of equality of opportunity thoroughly , we find ourselves carried down a sort of ‘ slippery slope ’ towards insisting that only if everybody has succeeded to the same degree can we be sure that there has been genuine equality of opportunity .
40 For a moment he thought that a sprinkling of light fell wherever Fael-Inis walked , but as it touched the floor it vanished , and he could not be sure that he had seen it at all .
41 If he finds it necessary to copy , to study the work of other painters , or any way to seek for help out of himself , he may be sure that he has received nothing of that inspiration .
42 Bound up with the question of compliance with specification is the question of acceptance , since , until the goods have been accepted by the buyer , the seller can not be sure that he has discharged his basic liability to perform the contract , even if he has delivered the goods to the buyer .
43 Lawyers should be ashamed that they have allowed the law of defamation to have become bogged down in such a mass of technicalities that this should be possible . "
44 The protection that she is offered is so grossly inadequate that the Minister should be ashamed that he has done nothing about it .
45 I know you will all be happy that we have chosen your magazine in which to include this new idea .
46 He vacillates between describing the connection between creativity and psychosis as ‘ folk-loristic ’ and ‘ clearly exaggerated ’ , and confessing to be puzzled that it has been documented so often .
47 That prior to despatch of the Information memorandum we have the right to renegotiate the fee scale triggers should it be apparent that there has been a significant decline in land values .
48 He 's not going to be pleased that you 've kept this little morsel to yourself . ’
49 So , if you have done something in the past which you now regret and would do differently were the situation to repeat itself , you should be pleased that you have learned something vital and that your spirit , having dealt with that negative aspect , will not have to encounter it again .
50 After the first week I came to the reluctant conclusion that Charlie Trumper was n't going to be pleased that I had sacrificed ten pounds of our money — six of his and four of mine — just to appease my female vanity .
51 You would imagine that people guilty of such terror would remain quiet and be thankful that they have escaped justice , but no .
52 Anyway , you should be thankful that she 's got a clean name , and so have you . ’
53 It followed that no individual should boast of his role ‘ but be thankful that he has been permitted to be useful ’ .
54 Do not be downcast that you have been economical with the truth .
55 Several Cabinet ministers were reported to be outraged that she had failed to consult them , depriving them of the opportunity to try to persuade her to step down in favour of a more plausible ‘ unity ’ , or ‘ stop Heseltine ’ , candidate from within the Cabinet .
56 In the end I pretended to be worried that I had left my bicycle lamp on and dashed outside to relieve myself in a flower-bed .
57 All applicants for admission from outwith the United Kingdom or European Community , applicants who are temporarily resident in the UK or EC at the time of application and those who have within the past three years spent a period of employment or residence outwith the UK/EC are advised that they should be certain of their status for fee purposes before registering for their courses at the start of the academic year and be certain that they have the necessary funds to meet the appropriate fees , and for subsistence throughout the course of study .
58 If we can never be certain that we have stated every objective we might have , in the clearest form , and with the most practical means of testing whether it has been achieved , this does not mean that we abandon the attempt or that to try one 's best under the circumstances is not a helpful activity .
59 He had even imagined that she mocked him with her smile , though he could not be certain that she had actually seen him there .
60 As Lizzie says , ‘ God knows , we 're poor enough , but it would be a relief in a way to be certain that she had cut us out altogether .
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