Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [subord] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the reformism of this period did not appeal only to manual workers , and among men of the 1945 cohort of voters middle class electors were in fact more likely to be Labour than working class electors were to be Conservative .
2 Would be grateful if immediate steps could be taken to deal with this problem .
3 I would be grateful if other people were not chatting .
4 I would be grateful if any readers have any information regarding the Crothers family .
5 I , I put that as number four , rather than the first three , which I think are terribly vital , so I would be grateful if these sort of things were taken on board .
6 The rule that criminal proceedings are conducted in open court would be hollow unless those proceedings could be freely reported by the press and television , and the media in general .
7 He came to his triumphant conclusion : ‘ Could socialism be right if such profits fell into his lap through government negligence ? ’
8 If old favourites were as a rule long lived , their status tended to be depressed as new substances advanced in esteem .
9 A report to the social services sub-committee says : ‘ The elderly and people with mobility problems would be disadvantaged if these proposals led to the closure of small pharmacists in rural communities within the county where there is no convenient alternative . ’
10 Christmas is less than seven weeks away ; forgive us if it all seems too early , but would n't it be terrific if this year , just for a change , you really did manage to get everything done ahead of time so you could actually enjoy the break … ?
11 The actual and planned measurements will differ if total output should fall short of or exceed total demand — in the former case , some demand will be unsatisfied because insufficient goods have been produced ; in the latter case , some net addition to stocks will occur since too many goods have been produced .
12 Intellectual needs will have to be met , but the meeting of these needs may not be possible until other needs — physical , emotional and social — are first satisfied .
13 No canal crossing the constantly changing contours of the English Midlands ever had enough water , so a significant increase in traffic would only be possible if existing supplies were conserved and more supplies developed .
14 However , that will not be possible if third party consents , etc. are required which can not previously be sought because of confidentiality .
15 This will only be possible if waste pipes run parallel to the floorboard joists , and at right angles to the floorboards .
16 This approach may be possible if educational objectives have a very short time-scale but it does not allow for the change of direction which is often necessary in schools .
17 Perhaps , therefore , a more delicate and sophisticated analysis would be possible if different types of oddness were recognised ?
18 As finance director David Nash stated : ‘ In view of the short time since the standard was issued , and the fact that most forecasts have been prepared on the existing basis , we were concerned that it might be confusing if this presentation was based on the new format .
19 The industry 's image was further dented by the leaking of a secret report which criticized overcapacity and questioned whether its export prices would be economic if all costs were included .
20 It follows that working-class people have benefited from this , but they are still more likely to be overcrowded than non-manual groups .
21 The quality and accessibility of materials have to be high if this approach is to succeed and no organisational barriers are placed in the way of learning .
22 Derelict land may be derelict because some form of husbandry slowly became unremunerative … or the dereliction may be the result of exploitation … the land being later abandoned .
23 The assets may be self-sufficient as individual assets — such as Alliance refinery in New Orleans — or as groups of assets — such as the whole of BP Oil Australia .
24 Although it is obviously hoped that these accounts will be interesting as economic history , whatever they reveal about the working and role of government may also be relevant and applicable today .
25 However , if the tenant has the right to determine the lease , the draftsman must be careful lest that right should have the effect of making time limits in the rent review procedure of the essence .
26 So again , I have to be careful because real interest is gained on this money that 's in grand mama 's name .
27 Their chance would be diminishing as each hour goes by , but we have not reached the stage that we can confidently say there is nobody alive in that building . ’
28 That bit will all be dark cos that bit will all be dark because it 's in the earth shadow but that little bit there that little bit the little bit that is n't in the in the earth 's shadow the appearance there will be a new moon .
29 It will be amazing if this government runs the full course and as we saw in nineteen nineties the Tories just love leadership elections putting the knife in .
30 In theory the Crown is the applicant for every prerogative order ; therefore , it would be incongruous if coercive relief were available against the Crown at its own suit .
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